As I posted, crowdsourcing developer compensation shouldn't be a problem. If it has been before now, maybe it's only because the need wasn't made known.
What if Gavin would rather write code than beg? He's gone a long time without compensation, and a crowd-sourced solution hasn't come together yet.
Personally, I'd love to see a decentralized system for rewarding contributions to Open Source Software projects, but I don't know a way to securely and accurately measure the proportional contributions of different developers: any decentralized system would be vulnerable to a sybil attack. If you have solved this problem, please start a thread with how to do it, and I'll do whatever I can to help.
I can't speak for Gavin, but I'm pretty sure he'd be happy to accept any Bitcoins you raise to thank him for his contributions to the Bitcoin codebase (provided there are no strings attached).