WRONG. With current BTG market cap, BTG team could easily buy a lot of BTG coins and pump its coin. But they will not do that, because they are not interested in their own coin. It was all designed to enrich its founders
via premine. Lets calculate:
200 000 coins premine, 540 USD per coin on top = 108 000 000 USD. They already cashed out. Good luck to those hodling the bags LMAO
You are still lying in this thread I see.
The original endowment wallets are still 80% full, https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.43864610
also the premine was 100,000 coins, not 200,000. https://bitcoingold.org/premine-endowment/
Do you really have nothing better to do ?
Nobody here is lying except you scammers from BTG team. BTG INITIAL price was 540 USD, now BTG price is 15 USD. You are down 97 % from your INITIAL price. Top scammers. How about another fork Bitcoin NewYork done by Jack Liao? LMAO, keep on scamming. Your coin is worthless shitcoin. Change your name to ShitGold, because that is who you are.