12 chips in 5x10cm, designed to work with a backplane. Onboard digital Vdd control (controllable via I2C from rpi/bbb), temp monitoring (also via I2C), overtemp Vdd shutdown. Designed to have a heatsink mounted to the back with airflow; I expect this sucker to require some cooling! 40A of Vdd current capacity allows for up to 3.3A per chip.
I'm designing the backplane system now. The initial backplane will be a bank of four of these modules, but I have grand visions of 600GH or 1.2TH miners, with windtunnel enclosures.
would it not be possible to design this to work with existing m-boards ?
It's certainly possible, but as far as I know they haven't published details on their designs, and the backplane is the cheapest part of the whole setup, and there are features that I am adding which the m-board likely doesn't support.