After much consideration, we are going to have the direct deposit method available for the crowdsale.
If you want to purchase Cadastrals in any of the following currencies, you can send the funds directly to the addresses listed below. Please send an image showing the send transaction to [email protected] after the funds have been sent.
BTC: 1abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890
ETH: 0xyouseeifsomeonethinksthisistherealaddress
doge: theymaysendittothisaddressinsteadofyours
dash: andpeoplewillbescammedoutoftheirmoney
litecoin: LLHvuE73CqXUCGgFYW7yKiYpyxUGgtPg4X
nbt: BTLYWcbvH2e38HyyoFeXF3aBXRNxvuEoaQ
who's escrowing it?
what if someone quotes and fills in his own address? there's a risk
why such an unprofessional approach, why not search for a professional and safe solution?
this ico is failing so hard; no announcement or time to hype it, graphics and pictures that look like they are stolen
i really like this project but you should really come up with a plan, a strategy, prepare and then execute it instead of doing thoughtless random stuff to "fix it"
That is the link to the escrow. The reason we offered this alternative is because people were saying it was too difficult the way we were doing it.
As well, we appreciate the constructive criticism. If you want to see the ICO succeed, please support it.
Our team won a Netexplo World Innovation award earlier this year, and were in the ranks with the likes of Colu, and robotics companies.
If you want to read the white paper, please take a look here:
I assure you this is not haphazard whatsoever. Trying to evaluate this project based on this thread would be a huge mistake.
I know that, you already repeated that many times, including the pdf and videos
it's not my point, it's not about the project, it's about the ico, how it's planned and executed
I like the project, it's no criticism to the project, i fully trust and support the project
but the organization of the ico is very unprofessional and people will or will not invest based on this thread, look at the OP, no picture has the same size and they look like the got downloaded at random even if they're not
the thread doesn't look low budget, it looks "no budget"
you can just ignore that or start working on a solution and maybe extend the first phase of the ico until you get it right
I already invested a small amount in this project and do not regret it but if you want the ico to be a success, this thread won't bring it, not how it is now, not how you arranged the escrow
if you or anyone else in the team can't do it, find someone who can