Found 60 people that posted about their B1 orders.
Of these 31.7% received their S3's.
51.7% got shipping notification (including arrival)
21.7% received shipping notification, but no arrival yet
45% got no notification so far (neither from Bitmain's web site nor through UPS tracking by reference)
Looks like Bitmain is slipping slightly behind the previous prediction of 14-17th July shipping of B1 orders.
31.7 + 51.7 + 21.7 + 45 = 150.1 %
There is some 'double counting', as the 51.7% covers notification& arrival (as it says in the post), if you add 31.7%+21.7%+45% you get close to 100% (the original calculation was a bit more involved, as there are 2 type of notification - Bitmain's and UPS, which did not always line-up).
The intent was to give a 'broad picture' of the delivery status at that time.
By the way, in the last couple of hours I received my notification, initially through UPS and then at Bitmain (however my B1 delivery is still waiting for UPS pickup).