edit: I asked for explanation and apparently staking is somehow shown as transactions... and when you see 800k it is at the end of the block in which 400k staked?
I do not understand it myself but I hope you will investigate and come to your own conclusions. Perhaps there is a better blockchain viewer?
Even more confused. Apparently the figures taht I and everyone can see posted, are not real, a mirage of some shorts; another guy posts the same identical link and blkuntly states that the wallet has never had anything higher that 500k. And now (thanks Substuppel) another viewer is posted that shows that the account wallet has in facta held over 600K at some point.
How to reconcile this? To a newcomer to BC, how would this look? Scammy? Just plain confusing? Not inviting, that's for sure. Is there any link to the REAL, one and only blockchain that shows, without any possible room for doubt, what have been the transactions? Talk about cleaning house...
And, by the way, Arigard and the resty of those 15-20 people self-appointed to the future "Foundation", no one else wanting to come forward ans say who they are, what do they bring to the table and what are their stakes and where so we can see what is the level of their interests? Anyone?
3 different sites: