I dated a woman years ago that worked for a well known ad agency/PR firm in NYC. I love learning about other people professions and I can listen for hours if someone has an interesting profession. We use to talk about her clients (they call them accounts), and she once explained to me how part of her job is to charge the client for ridiculous bs. (They are worse than Lawyers) First they charge you to come up with the plan, and then they make you feel only they can execute the plan effectively, so then they charge you again to implement the plan. But here is the real BS...in all PR firm contracts they will not guarantee positive results. So if you spend $100,000 and their plan flops, oh well we tried maybe next time. She told me never hire a PR firm it is better to hire one or more freelancers which is significantly cheaper and will yield better results.
Now you do not have to believe me or take my advice, but you will quickly realize I am not BSing you. PR firms should be avoided unless you have millions of dollars to spend.
I understand your issues, honestly i do. I can see why you would be hesitant if you had personal experience with someone like that and it seems that above everything you are ware of the Black-coin Foundations Judgement.
But I will reply with this, there are no guarentees with most projects, be they visual, financial etc that you will get exactly what you want for your money. Innocent and hardworking people get taken advantage of all the time in every single discipline, that's just business. People lie, they cheat, they cut corners, they tell you things that to an untrained layman is wrong.
Builders, Doctors, Artists, Technicians, PR.. whatever area you want to look at there are always people being taken advantage of.
All you can do is be as thorough in your research as possible and make a balanced, calculated decision based off of recommendations, portfolio and your own judgement. I could sit here and tell you ways people I know have been shady and unprofessional in the discipline I work in too, but that wouldn't be an argument to not go forward with images, animations, promotion videos and public outreach for Blackcoin. The argument you put forward isn't related to the profession, it's related to making the right choice in choosing a trustworthy, honest, hardworking client that will provide you with the output you want for the cost. So far nothing the Blackcoin Foundation has done leads me to believe they would rush into something like this when so much money is at stake and the fact they have pre-raised money themselves means they believe in their own decisions 100%.
Now, it might not work, you might be right. Whether it works, or it doesn't however, I do believe that we as a community need some objective help in building Blackcoin. Most of us are too financially and emotionally involved, it is healthy to have impartial support like this in my opinion and that is why I support it.
But I understand your reservations.