3.- Let's be clear. And perhaps someone is going to explain to me in 10 words or less how wrong I am. BlackCoin is a Litecoin clone, with a gorgeous logo. Basically. A copy of a model (PoS) that was made public over 2 years ago (Nova) mixed with some other algos and of which there are at least 10 identical clones already out there and about 100 (a day) coming out. So, first of all and before we try the spend quite a bit of resources, why not getting to the basics? What the fuck is BlackCoin? Oh we are "fast", I get that... but isn't UltraCoin actually FASTER than BC? How much faster than LTC is BC? That is a claim that has to be true or it will backfire. But, lets assume, as some pretend, that BC is the fastest crypto in existence, how long is that claim going to remain true? Is it something we can base the "selling" of the coin on? I don't believe so. What else? Is it more secure, the most secure? How. In layman words -we are pretending to sell this to laymen, right?-. Are we a "holder of wealth" like someone has pointed, "for the wealthy"? How? with 1% annually that is exceeded by every other alto in the market? I really want the answers here, not at all trying to be negative. Exactly, in a very few words that everyone can understand, why is BC "the shit". The shit that merits public recognition through outrageous Wall Street marches and costly PR engagements determined by people of whom we know absolutely nothing about and masquerading as "The Foundation", all with an incredible craving for the coin to get to much higher prices in the exchanges and no substantial plan to actually grow it into something a small segment of the regular population will actually use some day. Picture me skeptical but all this seems designed only for the purpose of quickly -very quickly, 90 days or less- capitalize on an investment at whatever expense INCLUDING the future of the coin.
I think you are wrong about the technical merits of the coin. Bitcoin is suffering from the limitations of PoW, and PoS solves them to create a superior coin. Peercoin is deliberately slow and expensive, they don't want discourage easy transactions. Nxt is closed source, premined, and thus doesn't have a strong community behind it. So there was a void in the market for a PoS coin which could truly compete with bitcoin and rat4 addressed it with blackcoin. It launched in a widespread manner, getting many motivated individuals interested, creating a community and momentum. This has created the perfect storm from which a true PoS competitor to bitcoin can develop.
Being opensource, the technical merits of the coin can be copied (as can be seen by the clone market). What can't be copied is the network effect. That is what blackcoin needs to generate right now above anything. For this it needs marketing. It needs people who missed the boat on bitcoin to think they have a chance to get in on blackcoin early (And I don't mean the pump and dump crowd). It needs people who dislike the PoW flaws in bitcoin to discover blackcoin. Of course, the technical aspects of the coin continue to need to be addressed to ensure it's secure.
Bitcoins had years of headstart in gaining a network effect advantage. Because there are so many altcoins around, blackcoin has a hard job to push itself out from the crowd. It has come so far in two months, but it needs to keep it up, or another PoS altcoin will take up the mantle. Since the community is essential to the coins success, the division in this thread is a cancer that could kill blackcoin. Having IE spearheading a marketing effort and Soepkip spearheading a different marketing effort is fantastic. Having them at odds with each other is undoing all their past and future good work.
The reasons blackcoin is different from all the other altcoins, the reason that blackcoin has a great chance to at least be the top altcoin is not clearly and obviously being communicated. (That's clear from the paragraph above that I quoted.) I think that's why a PR company could be great, if they help harness the disparate information about blackcoin and focus it into a few key points or messages. Then broadcast the key messages to the wider world and have a series of blogs or articles on the website (for those who come to learn more) that explain why blackcoin is the superior choice over the other altcoins and over bitcoin. If the PR company is used well, then blackcoin will still have the advantage of a focused and clear message about
what blackcoin is even after the 3 months is up.
Yes , I Agree, thank you for post.