I have been away from here for a couple of days and frankly it's almost impossible to catch up with so many pages of related posts... Anyway, once again, fully knowing that that darts will be coming from every side, I am the self-appointed (apparently everyone is self-appointing themselves here on Blackcoin, so...) sober voice of of reason and common sense.
1.- Everyone in this forum knows that I don't see eye-to-eye with Iconic in general and that I have found most of his ideas outrageous and damaging to BC. His antics with WC and their forum and his ill-fated attempt at creating an instrument to manipulate the market cannot be defended, regardless. At the same time, his launching of the BlackCard, while (importantly) being a for profit (for his personal profit, that is) endeavor, has been praised without reservations by me numerous times. His Wall Street escorts march initiative, I have been critical about (critical in the sense of examining the pros and the cons, not necessarily on condemning it since I was and remain, on the fence if every day that passes more incline towards the negative on it). Since the community will pay for it, hey, if they do pay for it, let's see if it was wrong and, in any case, how wrong. I just lighted the red light that it could be quite disastrous fro BlackCoin's image and that the "good" that could come from it would be limited, at best. What is there to be gained from it? I still don't see what "awareness" could bring us. We are not selling anything, therefore being aware of a gloriously beautiful logo cannot possible translate into anything greatly beneficial. Would a Howard-Stern-like event be detrimental? I believe it can, but not much either so, if the few that give are for it, why not. Again, neutral on it.
I point this out because it is relevant to what comes below in which I am, almost completely, in favor of Iconic's position:
2.- I cannot be more AGAINST the PR initiative. Once again, it appears that the self-appointed BlackCoin Foundation -or in Iconic's definition "the core group" or the "IRC Boys"-, is ponying up $15,000 of their own pockets to support it because, well they think it is a great idea ... because no other crypto has done it before... err, maybe I am missing something here but that type or "originality" in and of itself, doesn't merit the initiative. What is the purpose? what is the campaign? what are we selling? One again, what is the rush? (this is and old question I initially posed to Iconic too). We are barely 2 months old, doing great. Why we need to do "original" things? what's the rush, again? who are we running from? I fail to see the need for any of this at all. I see though, other nearer and way more concerning, worrysome in fact, realities: the multi-pool is still showing that horrible patch and has no front end; more worrysome even, it's been only a few days since the pool was literally put on it's knees by a simple DDOS attack, which showed the amazing vulnerability, on one side, and made a lot of miners run away to greener, more secure ventures. While we are pursuing new visitors, it seems that we have the house dirty and stinking and that whoever that comers our way can be faced with pretty dangerous situations and circumstances...
3.- Transparence. It was nice to see the faces of three members of the dev team (or is it the Foundation?.. I'm confused -more later-? in the BlackCast -it was terrible, to say the least, that the three seemed to be paid endorses of Marlboro AND the Colorado Chamber of Commerce, but at least we saw their faces and learn a couple of first names... but other than that, there's no transparency at all here. Example: If you ask on IRC about the multi-pool, you get all kinds of "answers" from the ever-present "Soepkip" and "Gritt" to other volunteers, such as "Syllabear" and others. Depending on who answers, for instance Soepkip, you get that "the multi-pool is not directly connected with the dev team" (therefore when it fails, well, sorry but not the devs fault) or that the said multi-pool is "not vital" to BlackCoin. If Gnu or others answer, then it IS indeed vital... but still not directly connected or the responsibility of the devs... Confusing, isn't it? Then you go on and get answers -or lack thereof- to such questions as "when does the multipool buy their BCs?" (apparently -no official word on it either- "they wait for the dips", rather than buy at whatever market price it is trading the moment the coins are sold -presumibly for BTC?. Again, no official word on this. When are the miners paid? er... uh... depends on Crypsty, apparently... although officials fromn Crypsty have shown on IRC to deny -or partially deny- this. In any case, it seems that miners are paid, uh, whenever the person in charge is not too busy.... "while we develop a system that will make the payments instantaneous and the mining proceeds happen". It's all cloudy out there. No specifics, no one really responsible of anything... "it will happen", they'll tell you. Eventually.
This is in the very specifics of mining. When it comes to structure, we are lost. Now, apparently, we have a BlackCoin Foundation. Really. Land grab has been mentioned a couple times in the previous 40 pages of this forum but, let's ask: Who are the members of this Foundation? Are they the dev team? (I seem to have read that no, it's a group of BC investors). Well, since I am one such BC investor, how come nobody has asked me to join the Foundation or, at the very least, ask me if I was interested in having a foundation at all? Who decided we should have a Foundation and who are the members of that foundation. Names, real names. And wallet numbers, please. And with what criteria have they been chosen? and by who? I have to be on Iconic's side on this... all of a sudden a very aggressive and prolific campaign of posts in the forum by people that rarely if ever have posted before, are the self-appointed "BlackCoin Foundation". Who are these people and why are they "looking for our interests"? Or are they? I mean if this is a group big enough and with big enough wallets, they can manipulate at will to get the best of the markets and leave us all holding the bags? Who are they? what's their interest in having controlling power in BC? why spending $30,000 in a "branding" campaign that, at best, will bring nothing but awareness toward another copy of Litecoin with a slick logo? I mean, if they are ponying up $15,000 from their own pockets, who am I to question whatever they do in their own names? But if they do it as officially sanctioned BlacCoin Foundation, then I have some interest, direct interest, because I hold a sizable stake in this venture and I demand to know who are the "morituri's", etc. of this self-appointed foundation. Like I said, with full legal names and wallet numbers. That would be transparency.
3.- Let's be clear. And perhaps someone is going to explain to me in 10 words or less how wrong I am. BlackCoin is a Litecoin clone, with a gorgeous logo. Basically. A copy of a model (PoS) that was made public over 2 years ago (Nova) mixed with some other algos and of which there are at least 10 identical clones already out there and about 100 (a day) coming out. So, first of all and before we try the spend quite a bit of resources, why not getting to the basics? What the fuck is BlackCoin? Oh we are "fast", I get that... but isn't UltraCoin actually FASTER than BC? How much faster than LTC is BC? That is a claim that has to be true or it will backfire. But, lets assume, as some pretend, that BC is the fastest crypto in existence, how long is that claim going to remain true? Is it something we can base the "selling" of the coin on? I don't believe so. What else? Is it more secure, the most secure? How. In layman words -we are pretending to sell this to laymen, right?-. Are we a "holder of wealth" like someone has pointed, "for the wealthy"? How? with 1% annually that is exceeded by every other alto in the market? I really want the answers here, not at all trying to be negative. Exactly, in a very few words that everyone can understand, why is BC "the shit". The shit that merits public recognition through outrageous Wall Street marches and costly PR engagements determined by people of whom we know absolutely nothing about and masquerading as "The Foundation", all with an incredible craving for the coin to get to much higher prices in the exchanges and no substantial plan to actually grow it into something a small segment of the regular population will actually use some day. Picture me skeptical but all this seems designed only for the purpose of quickly -very quickly, 90 days or less- capitalize on an investment at whatever expense INCLUDING the future of the coin.
Sorry for the length. Hopefully only really interested parties would go through the whole thing. Every word is there for a reason, though... And I am not even asking for donations either.