So just to recap what has happened:
-Blackcointeam started bc and many promotions.
-Some random guy starts his own promotions.
-Blackcointeam continues what it has done so far.
-Random guy goes awoke on bcteam because of this.
-Blackcointeam continues what it has done so far.
-Random guy loses support
-Blackcointeam continues what it has done so far.
I might have skipped some pages with the rantings of a spoiled kid, but I guess this is about it?
What the heck is going on here? That is NOT -and you very well know it- what "has happened".
First of all, the "Blackcointeam" is 5 specific individuals... or so we are left to believe... until now, that a supposed "Foundation", alien to those 5 individuals but officially supported by them, has been quickly assembled within a few (or a lot, we don't know) "investors". There's quite a based concern about just who these new individuals, that have expensive initiatives all of a sudden, are and what their motives (and means : Wallets) are. Very legitimate concerns.
Second of all, that new group -even though the ubiquitous Soepkip speaks for them-, has come up with a "PR plan" that they half-pay for, that some with financial experience and a lot of common sense question in principle... at least until what the PR firm -and what $30K will get from them- is. Very legitimate concerns.
Third, as a quite outspoken critic of "Random guy" and some of his tactics, I don't perceive he has lost any support -maybe unfortunately-. He may have questionable ideas, he may be motivated by ego and greed (who isn't here?) and he is definitely in an enormous hurry to get the price of BC up, but no one, not even me, questions, that he has done at least one very positive thing for BC -if for personal profit, mainly-, which is the BlackCard AND has worked to get developments in BC be known and published.
So you have skipped quite a few pages indeed... along with a bunch of very legitimate concerns of the community as a whole, something that you give the impression of not caring about at all. Perhaps I am wrong in perceiving that impression but seems to me you are much more interested in a discredit campaign that in any immediate or long term benefit of BC. Hopefully, I would be wrong.
I think it is good if/when as many people as possible work for BC and promote it. I am happy that many do it, I have myself commented on IE effort that I like them and I hope they will be successful. I honestly do.
I hope that even more guys will step up and start doing their own promotions. I started doing my own things before most of the guys here even knew of BC, through @BlackCoinPromo which is not an official BC account on twitter. Check out the history if you want. I have never asked for recognition for my efforts, and I don't think anyone should. Recognition comes from working hard and honestly, without personal agendas or trying to push products you are selling.
I just don't GET the logic in attacking the core teams effort for doing its thing. Critique is welcomed and always be skeptical of intentions. Ask for clarifications etc.
Many say IRC is not a nice or modern thing to use, but if you want to talk/ask about anything from the Dev team, they always respond to you, and you can actually have a conversation there with them. Ask around, question what they do, give feedback, propose ideas, get to know each other and lets get back on track to make ONE blackcoin group.
There is no logic in dividing the group with us vs. them mentality. If you think about these last 50 pages of dirt, it all started after dev team announced a positive thing, half funded already. What is the logic behind attacking this, if its not a personal agenda for personal profits?