Response To SoepKip
SoepKip thank you for your letter. I have refrained from singling you out because I do believe you want to see BlackCoin succeed and you do work hard. We all have our talents and limitation including me, but for BlackCoin to reach #1 you will need experienced outside help and a PR firm is not the answer.
In here we have a difference in opinion then. Your event is focused on purely WallStreet, and the hope of going viral. We believe that hiring an PR Agency, that actually puts their own name on the line in supporting a cryptocurrency. Yes, for a startup this might not be the best idea but there are a lot of differences between a start-up and a cryptocurrency. The links you have posted on why not do not count for this situation.
I sincerely want to believe you are honest man and a gentleman. We both know the day before I announced the Wall Street event I asked you "did you speak to the investors about the event"? Your response to me was "you go ask them it is your event". I was shocked by your response because you previously insisted you wanted to talk with the investors about the event. You then replied back and said "I am talking to them now". I told you if it is a problem I would just go to the community and raise the funds that way, and I never heard from you again. Since IRC you have not tried to PM me? Did I just write the truth?
This is true and i have not pmmed you. The reason for this is that you did not have the decency to wait on my answer. I am, like you, a very busy man and I speak with a lot of people daily. You decided to post the WallStreet plan without our answer.
My position on Gritt remains the same. I think his comment was calculated and unprofessional. I also think the fact he is/was trying to create his own BC cards before I had shipped mine out was sneaky and underhanded. I think he is a ticking time bomb.
His comment was not calculated. I speak with my team on a daily basis. Gritt has done amazing things in the past weeks, just like you. The Meet Black Investor Handouts are awesome. His article in the Phenom Post was awesome. And he is working on many other things.
In regards to the Vault Of Satoshi I want to sincerely believe you have a lot on your mind and you do not remember the timeline. Before April 12th you and I discussed on IRC my plans for BC. I told you for this to work we needed a Fiat to BC exchange in North America ASAP. I asked you to contact CoinDesk and Vault Of Statosh and your response to me was "it is too early for that". I said you were probably right about CoinDesk but Mint was on Vault Of Satoshi and they are not better than us. I then told you I will personally email Vault Of Satoshi and you replied with a "smiley face". I then told you I would wait for awhile and then ask the community to start emailing and Tweeting Vault Of Satoshi. All one has to do is look at my previous posts to verify this. Now I am not claiming someone else didn't directly reach out to Vault Of Satoshi as well, but that doesn't mean I didn't reach out first. I was very public about this community nagging Vault Of Satoshi, and even Vault Of Satoshi's own Tweet implied they were adding BC because of the "harassment" from the community. Did you and I have this conversation via IRC?
We had this conversation yes, however: I know for a fact that there where very lenghty discussions with gnu_user on a live conference (see the picture i posted earlier). You sent a mail first, thank you.
Until today I thought you were a gentleman and I still would like to believe you are. You are one of the few people here that know my true identity. You have seen pics of me and my wife and at least one of my daughters. You know what I do for a living and you know everything I posted here about myself is true. However, when people were coming here to this forum lobbing personal attacks at me, you could have at anytime said "Hey I do not agree all the time with Iconic but what he is saying is true. He does not live in India, and he does have a wife". You could have also vouched for my integrity. When the group of "investors" asked me to do the Meet Black campaign and everyone was brainstorming, someone suggested I should say to the community "members from Mint contacted me", and what did I say? "I said no I will not lie to the community come up with a better solution".
You have chosen to go out on your own. You have attacked people in the community in the past. I do not feel like defending a person that attacks the community where i work daily with. Do as you would be done by.
Yes I am fortunate to live well and I will be contributing funds to the event. But you act as if the time spent planning and organizing this event is not contributions in itself. You have no idea how many personal man hours have already been spent to get to this point. So to suggest that I am letting everyone else pay for the event and me and my wife are just sitting back doing nothing is shameful. Who will be auditioning these girls? Who will be ordering the t-shirts? Who will be ordering the cards? Who will be organizing logistics? Who will be prepping the girls for the event? All of this takes time, and time is money.
And that is exactly what we are doing every day on a myriad of topics. We have at least 10 people working 8-16 hours a day and 30 people more than 6 hours a day on BlackCoin. There are many projects in this coin. Yet we believe that next to the time we invest that money needs to be invested too.
With all due respect to you and the team, you are paying someone else $30,000 to do what me and my wife are doing now. The only difference is we are not just handing the community a plan, we are actually planning and organizing the actual event. So that is the difference between the two.
Now I will see what kind of man you are by your response. If you verify what I am saying is true then I will know at least you are a honest man.[/size]
Let's draw a line in the sand. This has been going on long enough. We all have the same goal, we want BlackCoin to grow to be one of the, if not the biggest crypto currency out there. We might have different views, have disagreements or whatever, this does not warrant public attacks.
This thread needs to be positive and breed positivity.