IRC #whitecoinfudation For the latest news updates and hot tips! feel free to swing on by and spread some love or blow off steam
Fuck you and your whitecoins, get the fuck out of here piece of shit
Go advertise your shitcoins topics to the WC (That place where people take a dump)
Lets feed WC troll with something like that:
WC Dev and his suspicious moves "true" story.
1st he sell off premine during POW part (Saturday as i heard). Why he didn't wait till pump goes on like others do.(probably answer you will find in second step)
2nd broken POS - it could be even planned bug in code (in crypto there is anything possible)to cause price crash and richt fellas could come in deepth.
3rd he botuh anouth on deepth and he is still main holder and laughing at all who he scared.
4rd now he will have some WC and some BTC from dumped premine...
That was genius/mastermind WC dev thrilling story - since that many WC children can't just sleep and
these who can sleep are awaken with wet pants - every night after crash.