Yes, I am beyond critical of that piece of shit coin launched by the most incompetent of devs in cryptoworld. As a Spaniard, I tried to help when the concept came out... only to see NOTHING done correctly but this absurdly incompetent dev. As a Spaniard, I stated I considered -and still do- an insult to the Spanish people to offer 500 coins worth absolutely nothing. The answer of the people cannot be clearer. It could be louder... only if anyone would ever care about the coin which has become quickly and irreparably a funny sideshow in the world of crypto.
It's your attitude... Someone tries to do something, and you come along and expect people to start doing it your way. And when they don't, you throw a tantrum and try to ruin it. You're just like a spoiled brat, and no-one here owes you anything, grow up.
So you don't like my attitude? Oh well, like they said you can please some of the people most of the time but you cannot please all the people all the time.
When something I am interested in is being handled poorly, I express my opinion -quite educated if I may say so myself-, offer cooperation and, if capable, advice. I did that with the Spaincoin dev. I posted, repeatedly, "do not insult your customers -the Spanish people- with a "gift" that's worth less than what costs to claim it". This was just common sense for anyone knowing his mouth from his ass, but that is not the case and this idiot chose to go with the greedy wishes of foreign nationals that had been accumulating worthless coins, instead of doing the obvious to try to... well, just add some value to it. The results speak for themselves and yes, I wish you and all the greedy mofos that did not care one bit about the coin, that you lose every single penny you put into that shameless "effort".
If I haven't grown at this stage in the run, it isn't very likely I would ever do but it's always an interesting challenge... except when the advice comes... well, from below the ground. And no, nobody owes my or anyone else anything but if someone wants my approval or my money behind their project, they better show that they are competent enough in what they do.
You would not know anything about that now, would you? May I suggest StreetFighter 2 or it is perhaps too complicated for you?