Thank you for your analysis of me, it was very entertaining reading. I find it flattering and also alarming that your 876 word post was focused entirely on me. You put in a lot of thought and effort to write something about me, but no one has or ever will put that much effort into writing something about you. Where I come from actions speak louder than words, and all I see from you is a bunch of words. In your 876 word analysis of me you forgot to point out two key things.
1. Numerous times I have promised this community I would do something and I delivered on what I promised. Not once have I promised this community something and not delivered.
2. In less than 3 weeks I created and began selling the BlackCoin card, a solution that will help add value to BlackCoin. I did that before even focusing full time on BC. And BTW the cards start shipping a week earlier than I promised.
People around the globe will be carrying and using something that I created for this community. Yes over 300 people around the world thought enough about my idea, but more importantly about me to send me their money and trust I would send them what I promised. You will never experience the feeling of creating something and having hundreds and eventually thousands of people use it.
I get numerous PMs a day from people offering support and thanks, and it is because of them I do not dump all my coins and my wife's coins and move on. I made them a promise I intend on keeping.
I know it is hard for you and a few others to understand that not all people live fantasy lives online, but I do not expect someone that writes 876 words about someone they think is an egomaniac to understand that. Since you took the time to write your fictional biography about me, I will give you some brief facts about me.
I started my first company in 2001 when I was just 26 years old. My first software product was sold in retail stores by the time I was 28. In 2006 my first major product was acquired by Avanquest software, and I used that money to start another company. Since then I have sold roughly a dozen websites/software products to larger companies. I am currently receiving bids for my current product Music Chow, and Music Chow is less than a year old. I am 6' 4" and my wife is 6' 2", she was a former model and now she is working on her own natural cosmetic line. I have two daughters 4 and 15, and when my oldest daughter was 13 the regional manager of Louis Vuitton gave her a 2 hour private party in the Louis Vuitton store located in Atlantic City, NJ. She was the youngest girl ever in this region to be given that honor. Shall I continue posting my private life & resume, or have you had enough? There are a few people here who know exactly who I am and they also know everything I have posted is the true. I purposely keep who I am fairly private because I rather gain this communities trust and respect by my actions, and not based on "who I am" or "what I have previously done".
So when I say I have friends that have no problem spending $20,000 on an investment opportunity solely based on my word, it is an understatement. They know if I am involved it will make them money. See unlike you I do not spew useless words to make myself feel better, I take action and get the job done. I make other people money and I do it with little effort. I promised Rat4 and SoepKip I would give them $1 per card without a contract or formal agreement, and I have kept my word. One day both of them will do very well just based on the revenue from the cards.
So while you are analyzing me I am doing something that actually matters to this community. If I decide to never post anything here again, you will always remember me as the man that made you realize how very little you have accomplished in your sad life, but I will have forgotten you by the time I click post.
That you pretend to know anything about me is just pathetic, in a funny kind of way. So ok, create whatever perception you may have of me that blocks you from looking at the mirror and see yourself.
So you "created" a card. Nice looking, no doubt and a collection item if you ask me... not for "your" design, but the the logo design that I state on every post is not only gorgeous but BC's best assent beyond team-community. Those should sell like hot cakes NOT BECAUSE OF YOU or any trust, but as simple beautiful collectible item. I will get one myself, as a matter of fact. And not because they are usable at the moment for any practical way. But you want credit for it? OK, all to you. More satisfied now? And, you don't know, you maybe more remembered for it than for the vague memory of you everyone in the forum someday, kind of the endearing cloudy memory one has when years past of the town's fool.
And no, I did not spend all those words analyzing you -but of course an egomaniac of your proportions would assume so-, I used those words to make points that some in this forum needs to be reminded that ethics count for something and that raw greed most often destroys good projects and, well, you know, I see BC as a good project that depends on image and crypto-community's perception and you know I don't want anyone mildly interested in the coin to come here and have the wrong perception... you, pal, offer the wrong perception to anyone/.
Fortunately you were given religion by a team that knows better to let the greedy bunch run amok. They will continue doing what they have done so greatly so far and, hopefully, reining in on yahoos out for prey.
Otherwise, good luck with the gorgeous card, like I said, I'll get one myself. Maybe two.