We will have some more updates today. Also will be updating the website that the BETA wallet is hosted on. (in case anyone missed it the site is:
Planned site updates for 06.09.2015:
1. Bootstrap/Blockchain download availability
2. Updated Config file and better instruction set
3. Updated Disclaimer
4. Link to "official" site (Anyone know who manages it?)
5. Updated graphics and logo (Will be the "Middle" choice from a page back)
6. Create and Add "setup" guide for the wallet (until this is completely streamlined through wallet updates)
Planned Wallet updates for 06.09.2015
1. Updated graphics
2. Upload to github (For those who rather not download the updated source from our site)
Goals in next update rollout (This will be added to):
1. (None Yet)
1. UI - Add "button" links for official site, faucet, bitcointalk thread, and other handy resources (this should be incorporated in the wallet in our opinion).
2. UI - Add "button" for "theme changing" and incorporate original designs as a select-able theme that can change on the fly.
Another thing that we have been thinking of doing (with the community's approval) is to start raffling off items for BUN. Nothing crazy but to start moving BUN around. The goal will be to take the "raffle earnings" and put them towards a charity that the community can voice their opinion on. This is to be 100% of the raffle funds earned and this will be tracked, info made public, and everything logged in detail. Then the documented event(s) will be available to anyone who requests them, (Alternatively will be available as a PDF or some other readily usable format). Let us know how this sounds to you all.
As a final word before we take off and begin work is this:
1. Please bear with us if things take time. At the moment we are not a large group at all. Most of the time it is one person on at a time and we have busy personal lives BUT strive to push this coin forward.
2. Excuse us and the fact that we have yet to contact reddit properly (Or reply to any responses if a member has already).
This is something that we will take care of today. While it is impossible to appease all, appeasing the majority is what the plan is.
Again questions and comments welcome. Give me a fatter to-do list too! (Okay not obese! just a bigger list)