I like this coin, any developments as of late?
whats the global plan for this coin?
I think you are a bit unfair there mr Mangled Blue.
This isn't a pre-mined or hyped coin.
I believe this could be a slow and steady growing coin.
+ it can be merge mined with LTC. Just try my pool!
It's a piece of SHIT ! ! !
Put your interest into an establish coin and stop the madness !!
and that's all the effort..... ugh
Thanks Mangled Blue...appreciate the feedback. Want to come help out? We have established bounties for important pieces of our project
and active development in the works. You might be surprised at what you find.
Dev., it's time to update! We have two more exchanges and at least one more pool since you made this announcement.
THANKS Kenta! Will ammend as appropriate. A few other pieces that have been moving this week pretty nicely...
-web wallet: being worked on by Banks, ETA: next weekish??? Dev is back from holidays and adjusting LOL
-apple wallet compiled and tested, requires a cosmetic fix, ETA: this weekend sometime
-android wallet: java dev found, isolating suitable droid source code for skinning (recommends community? we're scrypt+merge, not sure if plain vanilla LTC droid source could be used)
-web wallet is being dev'd to include an API suitable for twitter/IRC/reddit/etc tipping functions...and potentially...whatever Nugz & Banks come up with.
Life is good...I encourage continued flaming of our project and assuming it's dead because I'm slow updating this thread : P
THANKS ABALAM!! Will update the announce threads and ammend elsewhere as appropriate.
I see no reasons for mining CDN directly now, as merged mining works very well!
If you want to test it out without going through the hassle of setting up your own p2pool server, you are welcome to join at my experimental server in Amsterdam.
Point your miner to with your Litecoin address as username and x as password.
Litecoins then gets paid out directly to your wallet, when the p2pool-network finds a block,
if you contributed any shares.
There are currently no functionality to see who found the blocks for the merged mining part, but if you send me your LTC and CDN address, I will put it all into an Excel-spreadsheet every few days and distribute it to you based on how many LTC-shares you found.
If you also send me your MagicInternetMoney address, I will make sure you get that as well.
Send me an PM like this:
MIM: LfAVLsXANuL4Gtd5yEVCnyKEy3n115Q459
CDN: CSaNxv3V7FsgrLeczRcKatswu3R5zhrRWKhttp:// this is an experimental server, there will be no fee. But remember, you will have to find shares for this to work!
I set up my bat-file with failover pools like this:
sgminer.exe -d 0 -g 1 -w 512 --lookup-gap 2 --thread-concurrency 24550 -I 16 --temp-target 80 --auto-fan --no-submit-stale --failover-only -o -u LhcpcLufEWwZLSh5G9K6Eex9kperWFSSps -p x -o stratum+tcp://multi1.wemineall.com:5555 -u mine.gpu2 -p x -o stratum+tcp://eu.wafflepool.com:3333 -u 1C1FsoN7knh8iy4gkqDoBAgTgkgAo833iJ -p x
Update with your own LTC wallet address and GPU tweaks man...we've been running a setup like this internally with our mining gear and it's quite helpful...a slow trickle of LTC coming in helps buy exchange listing votes =D
In talking with the ManicMiner folks, they'd indicated they'd be amenable to adding CDN to their merge pool after we get listed on a big exchange to provide liquidity for those miners wishing to minedump.
Working on it...shouldn't take too long ish? FINGERS VERY CROSSED lol =)
A blogger from Toronto (@BitcoinBarbie) stopped by our IRC channel and is putting an article out shortly and she seemed pretty excited about it all, and we're pushing hard on our internal pieces to make CDN more and more and more legit from the ground up.
But Life happens...we're a small tech team of one admin, two main devs, and a revolving door of devs who want to play with bounties or just query about getting involved. Unfortunately often the communications is what gets dropped amidst all the hubbub. I just recovered from food poisoning that kaiboshed a bunch of publicity & editing work I wanted to do this weekend. DOH...what a trip!
Anyway...we apologize for less than stellar communications via this (BTCTalk.org) channel.
THANK YOU KENTA...we really appreciate you rolling this service and sharing it with others. YOU RULE!!!