What do you guys think will happen when this "HighOnCoins" guy decides to dump all his shares one day?
A bottle of champange will pop.
You guys should watch HighOnCoins to get a feel for whether he is a scam artist or the real thing.
What you may find surprising is he is coordinating the GREAT WALL prices to keep the price from dropping.
While no one can predict the vagaries of the human mind, I think it is highly unlikely that HighOnCoins would suddenly go crazy and dump, because that would be idiotic. Why would he kill the goose that lays the golden egg? He (along with all of us in this forum) have a chance to make a scary amount of cash over the coming years from masternode income.
And even if Max lost his mind and went crazy, flailing about like a madman dumping coins, going against everything he's been saying, he simply doesn't have enough coins to make a huge impact. Based on some things he's mentioned, I have been able to infer how many Chaincoins he's holding, and if my calculations are right, it would be in the noise level for this market.
I myself bought yet another masternode this morning (rather I have the coins, still waiting to transfer them out of Cryptopia). It cost me a few thousand dollars, I sold the rest of my ETH to do this. I really think I did the right thing, I believe CHC will rise in value faster than ETH, and there is the extra safety of the masternode income. But no one can predict the future, so who knows, if I'm wrong I'll come back and eat my words here.