1. Want a brand that can reach outside the alt coin scene - if you saw CINNI cards to buy in a store, or CINNI logo 'pay here' - you want a logo that gets noticed like the green and black or something brown you cant read unless you get within a foot of it?
2. branding on first post with green and black has great impact, and the type is passable unlike 99% of logos here
3. forget link to 'cinammon' and cinammon coins. CINNI is just CINNI is the best brand strategy (not CINNA or a flavor coin)
appreciate everyone supporting CINNI tho making logos or otherwise. I like this coin, branding was first thing that struck me, second the cool supply model. And things moving steadily while everyone else is fighting over WC/AC/BC lol
i like the logo on the front page too.
keep it as it is.