The coinswap from CV2 to COLX has ended. You can see the (near) final tally of coins on NovaExchange's details page: coins were generated in the first COLX block for the swap.
10.309B coins were actually swapped
There's still some manual swaps to process, but I can't imagine its in the hundreds of millions. We can round that up to 10.4B to be overly cautious though.
That means about 1.6B were not swapped.
5% of unswapped coins are going to a dev-fund for marketing and bigger exchanges -- 80M coins
That leaves 1.52B coins to be burned and an initial total supply of only 10.48B coins
So total supply will 87% of launch supply. Since launch, the block reward has been 2500 COLX per block.
For 4 months, that means 432M.
That means in early January, the total supply will be just under 11B.
The block reward is halving in early January to 1250 and around May will lower again to 1000, which means growth will slow down in 2018 a lot.
All of the above means:
* It will be a long time till we hit the 12B total supply mark
* 80M coins (21BTC at current 27 sat rate) is now in the devs hands for marketing and hitting bigger exchanges)
Both of those are great points for Colx and only should help it grow even more.
Congrats dev team!
Common! So in one day some guys swapped 6B coins? Bullshit!