Did you ever wonder who 'Satoshi Nakamoto' really is..? Bitcoin is a CIA OP; set up many years ago, with the soul intention of leading everyone, like sheep to their slaughter, into their
New World Order! What supportive evidence do I have to substantiate and backup this very bold statement; you may well ask... as it is a very good questing indeed...
Well, if you look at the cover of the January 9th
1988 cover of 'The Economist' magazine, then maybe the pieces of this massive puzzle will begin to fall into place for you too...
ATTENTION!: This is the cover of a magazine called 'The Economist' and was published in
1988. Notice the date on the gold coin (Bitcoin) around the eagles neck?
January 9th 1988 it was predicted in 2018 their
'One World Digital Currency' would be here! Strange, how 30 years prior, it was predicted Bitcoin would be here now! How is this possible? The only possible logical answer is that Bitcoin was planned 30 years ago and slowly pushed in this direction on schedule.
They didn't predict the date, they KNEW the date!!A phoenix rising out of fire, but what is burning? Looks like paper money is burning. ...take this as a warning. Bitcoin is all the buzz just before 2018 arrives! 30 years ago those in power warned you of what was coming in 2018!!
So ANY coin with 'BITCOIN' in it's title is part of their plan as it's CIA Dev Teams...SELL BITCOIN AND BUY COLX NOW!! Before the price drops too low... LOL ...Knowledge is Power... and, as I said in my last post, all we have to do is turn the tables on them now; and their dastardly plan is foiled! lol
They play with our new baby... it's time to drop theirs! Like a rock!!!
And we are ALL Anonymous... and we are in the know... they won't know what's hit them!! ...so we WILL overcome!!
More Power to you!