What are others saying about Crave?
who cares frankly, we have 152 Masternodes active /// Total Balance: 76043.77481325
that gives you proof how big the interest on crave is
This really is our bread and butter at the moment not to mention an actual dev that knows how to code which is evidenced to me by changes on the fly in mere moments.
I hate to push for this because it increases the roi of node operators, but it is a necessity. We need more masternodes online.
Would some of you that are running nodes be so kind as to post how much you have collected in the last 24-48 hrs?
so that potential investors can see what they have the potential of making taking into account that prices will rise because of more nodes bought and profits should not decrease at a drastic rate or at all because of the price increase.
I would go further and ask for a profitability calculator - taking into account the current price of CRAVE, number of nodes and effect on the payments etc. So one could simply type in the values as they stand e.g. 1 Crave = $1.35 ; Masternodes active = 153 etc.
Is there anyone mathematically minded and able to whip up such a thing?
GREAT idea. That will also allow for price realization to occur real time. That is until the markets are released.
What we need - and this may infact be something the coin is already set to develop so forgive me if it is - is a means of tendering for tasks specifically related to the development and maintenance of the coin.
What this means is that we have a platform that allows jobs, tasks, apps, etc that need doing to be posted and then community members submit a price they are willing to do the job for on the understanding that the lowest tender (person willing and able to do the job for the least possible price) wins.
So for instance - "We need someone to create a profitability calculator - must have X, Y and Z - must be fully functional and ready to be deployed by nth of month. Payment made on completion. Lowest tender wins."
Then those who possess the skills to accomplish such a task tender their services. The person willing to do it for the least possible CRAVE or BTC is given the job.
Why is this important? - Because at some point we need to establish a community fund - for paying for stuff we want doing. We can't expect the dev to whip up everything (even though he probably could!) and sometimes things are needed quickly rather than in the course of things. Secondly, a tendering process ensures the community gets the absolute best price for the job and therefore the most efficient use of its resources.
I do not think this should be implemented into the coin itself. If someone wants to set up a site for it then by all means. Also asking for donations while having a direction has already proven to work i.e. LTD asking for donations to get a chainz explorer which was donated to and fulfilled fairly quickly. I am also not a fan of the lowest wins especially not knowing if the winner can actually do the work so the best price never equals the best product or any product at all. We have explorers and sites being put together as we speak.
Maybe a better direction would be to ask ourselves what else is actually needed/wanted now?
The calculator is great and I thing ocminer might implement it into his crave.ninja, but maybe not.
Your thoughts regarding the dev creating everything is spot on and I believe the dev is in concurrence to allow us to make it happen. These should happen through donations or more importantly from those that hold 1000's of coins. It is in their best interest. I hold a very small amount and am certain I will pull much more weight than the majority or the real money holders. If they are unwilling to become involved then why should any of us?
I'm on your side that this should be community driven. We just need to decide on what is needed/wanted and the best way to implement it. Also, we should not be in the habit of expecting for these major additions to be added and functional within a few hours/days.