i think i have more Bad News,
the Multi-Miner, API does not work...
connection is Accepted by the Miner but does not return to the HTTP Browser... didn’t send any data.
getmininginforeturns 0 hashes per second using the external JRPC Miner...
Good News is that found what kills the CRDS Wallet in -server mode...
getwork command, when Method is Not Detected, seems Wallet still has some residual code inside, but does not know how to react,
Wallet becomes (Not Responding).
Don´t know if 0 hashes per second, is a Bug of the wallet? = only measures the internal Miner,? but Hashes are received.
or actually there is No communication between the external miner and the Wallet, and Hashes get lost in limbo.
getbestblockhash works and returns a Hash, and changes with a new block.
Miner detects Current Block
External miner seems to listen the Wallet & Continues... receives Block templates, receives mininginfo, detects when the Wallet is Offline (Non Responding) or Turned Off.
The external miner is listening the Wallet,
but Wallet does not detect the Hashes per second of the external Miner.
The Wallet listens JRCP Calls from the miner and responds,
the Miner listens the Walllet and respond,
but don´t know if the Wallet is listening again...
it seem the Walllet is listening because the miner seems to receive the HTTP/1.1 Continue command, and ask again for a JOB, and the Walllet Responds.
but haven´t been able to find a Block with the external miner.
so i´m confused.
HTTP/1.1 Continue
external Miner detects Hashes per second for each CPU Thread -t# but does not show the total of hashes, just individually per thread, unless is on -benchmark mode.
That Needs to be modified/improved, to give totals not in -benchmark mode.
The Maximum Threads the External CPU Miner can handle -t9999
yes, -t10k gives an error.
"blocks": 308080,
"currentblocksize": 2119,
"currentblocktx": 3,
"difficulty": 0.3752061100169468,
"errors": "",
"genproclimit": 1,
"networkhashps": 8675594.516418468,
"pooledtx": 3,
"testnet": false,
"chain": "main",
"generate": false,
"hashespersec": 0
CPUMiner with -P -D
JSON Protocol RESPONSE to getmininginfo is the same.
JSON Protocol RESPONSE to getblocktemplate is the same.
but Wallet does not detect the Hashes per second of the External Miners.