In 1 Hours on hashharder with 2 Nvidia 750ti with 6200 khash/s i have :
0.013 Freshcoin
It's ok ? .
probably the net hashrate is around 50GHash/s... lol I am solo mining
and it did pay off yestay evening while the hashrate was "only" around 30GHash/s.
(right now for small miner, it is a big waste of time...)
What do you class as a small miner though?
I hit a payout on it but not a lot, only got 1000coins
What did you manage djm? more then me i bet
not really... got one block, and about 27 coins from pools (I also have a few on supernova I didn't cash out yet, less than 10).
The bounty hasn't been paid yet... and I don't really expect much from solo, I just don't know on what to run at the moment.
In view of what people are getting 1000coins is quite a lot... (may-be not in BTC though, once the multi-gig users dump their coins...)
I mean by small miner anything below 100MHash/s (and even then, 100MHhash/s wouldn't give a lot).
Nope no plan for a v2 at the moment... (not until talkcoin wallet is out that's for sure... qt-creator such a pain...)