could not figure out how maxcoin wallets works or how to install it on my pc so I guess I missed out on the mad rush lol, anyway been trying to find a pool and stubbled across this which works for me. I crossing my fingers that the offical windows gui wallet come out soon if its not already?
I downloaded a gui maxcoin wallet from links posted on this forum thread and although it looks legit I do have doubts on it as when its loaded up and sync'ed with the network my cpu usage is constantly at 100% just opening this wallet.
I am now mining Maxcoin on this site , whilst hoping for the official windows gui wallet
I am using this launch for GTX 780ti Sc ranging from 102400 khash/s - 20000 khash/s on the site bleow as soon as cudaminer launches I get a lot of yays but soon after this I get a lot of boo is there any reason for this decline? using 2014-02-07 release
cudaminer.exe --algo=keccak -d 0 -i 0 -C 0 -m 0 -H 2 -L 512 -l K1000x32 -o stratum+tcp://