Just noticed my wallet has been running for a few days, and still not syncing.
Saw other people running WIN 10 and syncing without doing or adding anything.
Suggestions...and no the firewall is not blocking it.
Are you sure your saving your .conf as all files and not text ?
Unfortunately I'm sure of that too...
Have you tried with the decipher.conf and without it ?
Did you add the nodes ?
Also have you tried with firewall/exceptions & without ?
I updated the OP as well to add the Exchange Deciphercoin is listed on.
Retweet if you can https://twitter.com/Deciphercoin87/status/659165865066164224
Tried all of the above, and some other crazy shit, I'm at a loss as to what might be wrong.
Currently running MultiBit HD, FLY, STEPS, SWING all with no issues.
But thanks for the help.