Dev team cant deliver. I fully removed myself from this currency earlier.
It saddens me but it is true.
Next time Devs pay attention to your pms and don't ignore the guys that throw the initial investment your way.
allright, move on then, why become FUDsters yourselves (lost or holding bags and scared?) ?
ive just been told to ignore the 'Expected time to reward' field in the Minting bubble, so maybe the windows wallet is working, and no1 is giving it time do its thing..
but then again, its stated that the wallet doesnt need to be open for staking to work, and if that was the case, then surely my coins that have been in the wallet for 4 days now, should have staked ? im told to expect some miniscule value be deposited to my wallet..
well, ill let it 'stake' on Ubuntu for another day, and see