I posted here few month ago, and I must say that i am still waiting my withdrawal and support answer.
To be clear, my withdrawal has been unstuck, but ETH transaction failed (https://etherscan.io/tx/0x98279e3b2f22e9c9b87c46a22e668c1cb8430f9666032b97572db1a9bf22e238)
Failure is in no way my responsibility, and I expect my 0,5 ETH to be refounded, since they don't appear on my wallet anymore.
But, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and I am a lot worried about the leading team.
All the activity from the team has stopped since May. No more blog post, no more Staking round, no more social media post. It's all like the exchange is running on its own without anyone since May and the rebranding.
So... what is happening? For as long as I use this exchange (2 years), it has always been legit, support ticket was answered in a day, withdrawal was working seemlessly, it was all good.