After the private is conducted we will deploy a smart contract which will vest allocations second by second. What this means in practice is that at any point a token investor wanted to release their tokens, they can make a call on the smart contract and then will have access to the total number of tokens that will have vested at that second.
As an example: after the lockup, tokens will be vested over 31,536,000 seconds (365 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds). If they did it at exactly 6 months, they would receive half. If they did it at 1 day, then 10 days, then 57 days, and then every 3 weeks; they would receive the relevant whole tokens (rounded down) at each specific second.
So imagine you purchased 1,000,000 tokens and want to withdraw the first second;1,000,000 (total allocation) / 31,536,000 (total seconds in a year) * 1 = 0.032 DUSK
So imagine you purchased 1,000,000 tokens and want to withdraw after a week;1,000,000 (total allocation) / 31,536,000 (total seconds in a year) * 604,800 (total seconds in a week) = 19,178.08 DUSK
So imagine you purchased 1,000,000 tokens and want to withdraw after a month;1,000,000 (total allocation) / 31,536,000 (total seconds in a year) * 2,628,000 (total seconds in a month) = 83,333.33 DUSK
So imagine you purchased 1,000,000 tokens and want to withdraw after 9 months;1,000,000 (total allocation) / 31,536,000 (total seconds in a year) * 23,652,000 (total seconds in 9 months) = 750,000 DUSK
I hope this clearifies it! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask
That is, if you buy a million tokens and withdraw them in a month, you will get a little more than 80 thousand tokens. And the rest of the tokens will never be withdrawn. Then no one will want to buy a million, and take less, therefore all tokens will be frozen for one year. Right?