What is it that you build?
We're building a decentralized network designed specifically for web services. We also build web service products as well which allow rapid development of websites, web apps, and more. If you take a look at our GitHub you'll see we've been active for over four years.
I checked the github/whitepapers. For someone claiming to be decentralized AWS, there is really no meat in the repos. Is it just JS lipstick / glue codes ? Seems to me like you just combine many off the shelf product (Zookeeper, docker, miekg-dns, mongo) and selling them. No mention of replication, partitioning, fault tolerance, monitoring, consensus, conflict resolution, CAP tradeoff. It makes sense for a web agency, it doesn't make sense for 'decentralized AWS in blockchain'
You've checked the GitHub which currently has our web service products open sourced. You've read our whitepaper, which should give you a good overview of what we're trying to build and the general way in which we're going to go about it, but remember, the project is in active development. It isn't static. We're looking into all aspects of the network design, and we will from time to time write articles on some of the technical aspects and challenges faced and our solutions. I'm sorry if the whitepaper doesn't have enough meat on it for you, I understand, I often want to just read a tonne of technical documentation. Feed my bytecode, man! Alas, it's a whitepaper, a supposedly concise document. Also, it's worth noting that we're not a "web agency". For example, my background is in distributed computing.
There is no need for decentralize in your design. CMS is inherently centralized. DADI design is also centralized (centralized docker, centralized configuration / master nodes). Technically, it's bad engineering choice to make it decentralized. You make all business / political reasons for decentralizing (lower cost, censhorship), but none technically. Do you really think Virgin wants their content hosted on some random Mozambique nodes with volatile latency and flapping links?
I'm sure that if Virgin had a request from a potential customer in Mozambique then that is exactly where they'd want their content hosted.
Speak to an Australian to learn more.
TLDR: edge computing is only one of many reasons for dispersed application distribution.
The technical whitepaper is being deliberately obtuse
And yet it lacks meat. Isn't that a contradiction?
See original Satoshi paper, Colin (raiblock), Amazon's Dynamo papers. Clean, concise, elegant. By comparison yours generously throwing jargons, skipping details so common users cannot understand, while at the same time, technical users cannot refute.
I think the whitepaper has a fair balance between technical information and non-technical information. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same experience. But as I said, we'll be publishing articles on technical concepts through the development of the project which should hopefully feed your hunger, as it would mine. TLDR: For a shorter summary, take a look at our site.
Questionable coin-to-revenue relationship
Pay coin per DNS request? really? you know DNS is UDP right? Have you done any market research to really clarify the incentives?
Putting aside the fact that this isn't even part of our whitepaper, hasn't ever been stated, and is complete fiction, doesn't route53 charge per query? TLDR: we don't do this.
I hope this satisfies your need for a response.