[14:48:15] No suitable long-poll found for
[14:48:15] Building binary hmq1725Cypressgw256l4ku0.bin
[14:49:16] GPUs did not become initialized in 60 seconds...
[14:49:30] Error -11: Building Program (clBuildProgram)
[14:49:30] "C:\Users\JOO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OCL15AD.tmp.cl", line 386: warning: goto
statement may cause irreducible control flow
if (groestl_step == 1) goto groestl_end;
"C:\Users\JOO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OCL15AD.tmp.cl", line 394: warning: goto
statement may cause irreducible control flow
goto groestl_perm;
"C:\Users\JOO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\OCL15AD.tmp.cl", line 2014: warning: goto
statement may cause irreducible contro[14:49:30] Failed to init GPU thread 0, disabling device 0
[14:49:30] Restarting the GPU from the menu will not fix this.
[14:49:30] Re-check your configuration and try restarting.
It takes a lot of time to build the opencl kernel. Try waiting 5 minutes. I don't see any errors in your log, just a timeout.