I'm trying something different for stability while mining with multiple GPUs...
I'm using a system that has 5 PCI-e slots and an onboard VGA. The bios allows me to set the onboard VGA to ALWAYS ON even if there is a PCI-e GPU plugged in. On startup I can see the POST scrolling along etc, I can see Ubuntu start up and then go to the ubuntu "loading" splash screen. Ubuntu finishes loading, but the onboard VGA remains at that ubuntu splash screen, but no longer has the "loading dots" moving. The active screen is now one of the mining GPUs.
So I tried using an old ass PCI-e Radeon x700 video card, I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 15.04 and I did have it running the way I want it to run, the mining GPUs with no monitors attached, and with the X700 as the active display card, but I had a R9 270X card kroak (a mining card) and when I removed the dead card, Ubuntu automatically changed the default display to a mining GPU card instead of keeping the default display on the X700 card. I cannot see the X700 in Control panel>Displays either but the post and ubuntu loading shows on that card...
So the idea would work.... The problem is, I don't know how to command Ubuntu to use the X700 as the default video ...
I've been using Ubuntu for something like 10 years... I'm still learning the nifty CLI commands ..... so could someone list the cli command(s) to switch the default card?
Oh and by the way.... Ubuntu 16.04 does not support the FGLRX software needed for ethminer .... ... has anyone figured out a work around yet?
Have you tried plugging the X700 into the slot where the now-default card is plugged in?
It's not quite clear if you want the CLI or the GUI or both to be on the X700... for the GUI try digging around PCI device settings in xorg.conf.