The simple consideration that they could be trying to build there own community in there own space getting on with their own thing instead of doing this shows the psychology intent behind them and what they are all about.
The way things have and are historically playing out, continually enforces that the hackers and now any affiliates have alot to lose in this, and their whole world will be to extract as much out of this as possible. They are dealing with life changing amounts of money for themselves. Coupled to some peoples want to destroy Ethereum that will only be allayed by them trying to take control of it.
Actually bud your totally wrong, malice is eth thing (white hat dev hackers, 51% oh I know not sanctioned officially blah blah blah shady politics) most of us are blunt fucking honest, you just don't lIke and aren't used to hearing things that don't benefit you. There is no effort to destroy eth, I hold eth. There has definitely been an effort to destroy ETC and line the devs pockets though. Your projecting your shit onto others. I find brutal honesty to be far more appealing even if I don't agree than conning people lying and being a selfish person in general. You can check my history, I don't fuck around. I'll tell you how it is make fun of you and make a totally valid point all at once. We are who we are, you prefer shills, bagholders and manipulation. I prefer honesty, preservation of what we all have built and what's best for our community. I've made my money. I don't have to play games for a few gains. Crypto is about way more than any one person's profits and I put a huge premium on that. Don't like it, get Satoshi on the horn and tell him the honest guy won't let you do your thing or something.