I'm going to test mining with my pc on this coin. anyone can tell me where to find best guides?
I'm using intel i7-4790k @ 4.8ghz and gtx 970.
Thanks in advance.
Sir, I wrote one of the most detailed posts out for mining ethereum on the web at the ethereum forums. I'm very active there and please don't hesistate to ask if I can help you get set up:
Dude was in the polo trollbox the other day and wasn't getting the payouts he should have from nanopool given his hashrate. Also I was mining for suprnova.cc and wasn't getting what I should have. Someone turned me on to ethermine.org using the stratum qtminer and I told this other guy about it too and both of our payouts went up almost 50% higher using ethermine.org. I would suggest that one on in your tutorial.
Also I would mention AMD cards' BIOS is set so that it loosens the timings on the VRAM every 125MHz. The best mem clock settings for AMD cards are either 1250, 1375, 1500, or 1625, etc....whichever is the highest one of those your card can stably do.
First off, you just completely contradicted yourself. You say "height" clocking RAM is not important, and then go on to say "increase the speed of RAM on the graphics card to me is important". Are you talking about system RAM? Because I am only talking about VRAM here.
That aside, overclocking the memory has no significant impact on power draw on most cards as you can't change the memory voltage, and I never even advocated overclocking the VRAM. A lot of AMD cards come at 1400MHz..it is better to set those to 1375 as 1500 would be unstable. It is more about having the right clocks than highest clocks, but if you can go higher and still be 100% stable without drawing more power, why wouldn't you? I have found that the gain in hash rate is significant by having higher memory clocks.
Also, to say that the hash rate is the same as at 50MHz and 1500MHz is laughable. Afterburner doesn't even allow you to clock it lower than 625, and even if it were possible by some other means such as BIOS modding it would not be recommended.
The memory speed is important for the Ethereum mining. For my 7970 it hashes fast at 1250 than 1000 Mhz.