How much value will Factom create with their current number at some $2 million and new round of financing to be disclosed at anytime?
Should end up being something like 1/4 or 1/5 of $18 million this year. Any thoughts? Far fetched? What valuation do you think Factom raises at in their A round? How much value do you think they can create?
Going by these numbers, Factom should be worth something like 1/10 of Ethereum if they can create the value we think they will end up doing this year.
If they can deliver on M2 (they will), I could see by Q4 - $5-$6 min / 40M-50M cap.
With M3 in Q1 2017 even higher.
Also add in FOMO and sky is the limit.
What a trolling BS. Based on what? On one grant and being part of Microsoft Azure. FFS, lots of other coins ve been included into Azure as well. The fact remains, Factom team has failed to deliver for now. Still waiting to see how long will we have to wait for M2. From Q1 to Q3. Sure, 6 months delay in tech world is nothing. Or is it?
Very real possibility. It won't be long now. Be patient dude. They will deliver.
I ask the same question again. What do you base your predictions on? Hope it s not the fact you hold FCT and would like to see its price going up.