We have only 75k coins per month used. I believe once we get more information on who Factom is partnering with it will reflect.
However with that said...it will be much easier to get in on the "rise " before the system goes live...because then the price will become more stable.
Yes, most likely true. The majority of speculators don't care about details anyway. That's what I always said that the market will overdrive good news. If there should be a demand for *whateverhighnumberofentries* I expect the price to bubble at least x 5 above that range and come back after it. At least over the next months. In very long term it could level out and stabilize and really reflect the value. And good in Factom is: That is possible. It's calculable. That is different to all projects I know of which is also a reason why I consider many as totally overvalued.