Factom is a power house. Price holding strong. Watched some interviews with Paul Snow we are very lucky to have someone so intelligent in charge of this coin!
These people are gonna make blockchain fans proud. The more I read and the more I learn about the project the better I feel about my investment In other projects it is usually the other way around
But we should really get a more easy explanation out there.. it is really a lot to digest and most people haven't got a time for 40 page pdfs.
However I am not suited for this yet.. I can't explain it easily means I don't know it well enough. Thoughts?
You say something that is most likely very true. For those who are new to Factom it may be hard to understand some aspects and to find the informations they need. At least there is no document or site that gives it all on one look. But that was already the same when it got my attention, back in October. And it's the same for all other projects that are worth to do research about.
And my advice to everybody, and it's really meant as advice not just as an attempt to hype Factom: It will most likely turn out as a mistake not to invest some time and energy to dig deeper about this project.
The reason is simple: I don't know of any other project in Crypto that already has so deep connections to the real business-world and that is so professional in all areas. At the same time it's not a hype-project. They don't do any PR for Factoids and they don't focus on people like us because Factom doesn't even need this kind of adoption, which is just another great strength. They focus on potential customers and they are more than just good with that.
All together, exactly that is an opportunity for those who invest some time to find out for themselves. In comparison with some other projects, Factom is far ahead while it doesn't get that much attention like Ethereum or Lisk or Waves and some other projects around. The marketcap of Factom is not even $ 10 Mio. The marketcap of Waves is at > $ 20 Mio. Ethereum is still near to $ 1 bn, after news came out that their coding-language (Solidity) is flawed and economical they are in big trouble as well (The DAO-ETH will reach the market in another way it was intended).
And there is one big misconception in Crypto: People see high prices and come to the conclusion that a project is worth it because others seem to believe it. People see low prices and come to the conclusion there must be something wrong. But the main-reason for high prices of a project is just the hype around it. And there is no hype in Factom. This project will prove it's value for real.
So, it's most likely still very cheap because it simply doesn't get that much attention and is not that easy to understand. But who wants to be on the smart side of the market should do the work to find out what this is about instead of stepping back because it needs more than just 10 minutes. And the majority of Crypto-Investors are lazy as hell... just following others. In the end, DAO is a great example how that very often turns out. Blind people leading the blinds. I know for sure that a lot of Investors who bought into the DAO-CFC never understood what it is (was) about. And while the leaders understood very well what it should be about, and of course they focused on the DAO-money to fund their slock.it-project, they were not able to do it right and now it's a disaster.
And everybody who doesn't do research, who doesn't want to think for himself, shouldn't complain if things end in a mess. One misconception of The DAO was about "swarm-intelligence". It's a myth. Swarm-intelligence is nearly always about the intelligence of a small group on top of a crowd and in all areas where big money is involved, there are hidden intentions the public wouldn't like if they would really understand what it's about instead of being used for those hidden intentions. Crypto is not better than usual politics, in some cases it even may be worse. The majority of people is easy to impress, easy to use, easy to betray - but it's everyones own fault.
The Factom-team doesn't do much to intentionally impress people and leading them into buying FCT's to hype the price. And that's just another point that shows quality and not weakness.
Just by the way, a good chart-analysis on one sight: