Name one lie I have stated here. Pls, just one.
You constantly claim the Factom team wouldn't care about their Investors. As if they wouldn't update us, as if it would be a mystery how to get in contact with them if needed.
You try to give the impression, they just would've "used" their ICO-Investors. And you poor guy feel used (you said that, without even being an ICO-Investor which gives an extra-entertainment-point
More important: You spread desinfo like there would be "another way" to purchase Entry Credits, without a demand for Factoids, which is bullshit. EVERY TIME Entry Credits are purchased, Factoids are converted into Entry Credits and "burned"!
I have offered nothing but my opinion here. Your problem is that you simply cannot accept somebody thinks different then you do. Why is this so hard?
I don't care about your opinion. But you spread desinfo here. And I see you as dishonest because it's kind of weird to complain about a delay regarding M2 but at the same time you praise Ethereum while they obviously released not just a flawed DAO-project but have to face very serious problems with the whole platform - Ethereum --> Solidity flaws. Plus: Everybody who bought into DAO is in a huge loss now. Plus: All DAO-ETH will reach the market in another way it was planned. ;-) But yeah, complaining about Factom and Ethereum is the real deal. That is nothing but a joke.
I accept you have different opinion then I do, very, very pink and I d even dare to say not based on fact but your own interpretation of facts but I still don't have a problem accepting your opinion. On the other hand, you call my opinion whining. Why?
Because of your constant and superficial complaints about M2. But especially because you felt used as an Investor
("Still, doesn't change the fact I felt used." #3008) - I still get tears in my eyes reading this.
Cause I state the obvious. Factor team s big time late with M2. Is that a lie?
No, it's not a lie. But it's a lie to claim they would've made a promise. And being late in software development... that's totally unusually in your opinion? I often said: If they would make vacation, tweeting beach-pics instead of working, you maybe could have a point. But it's obvious that they are working their ass off on multiple fronts. And it's obvious that there is progress on multiple fronts. It's visible in the github, it's obvious because of the partnerships, it's obvious that they are doing a lot of marketing and so on. But yeah, they don't do marketing for guys like us. They do it to get customers for the system instead of hyping Factoids to the moon. Could they do that? Of course they could. They wouldn't need more than maybe 60 minutes to trigger a buy-panic. But they are professionals, not Shitclonecoin-Developer who want to dump their shit.
They don't even bother coming to this thread and talking to people. Is that a lie? When was the last Factom post? In one of their last posts they ve stated they don't give a shit about Factom price and they won't bother informing us here cause they re focused on other stuff. Is that a lie? Do I need to quote that post? So what lies have I stated here?
Man, it's not just about Bitcointalk. There is also reddit, and just for example: Here are posts of Paul Snow about Factom of the last days: so on, there are more....)
The same is true for Brian Deery. They are also active in other platforms, plus twitter etc.
And yes, they don't write here often. But why should they? To hold our hands or tell us fairytales? They give constant updates and that's enough. They are not responsible for the market dynamics. They are not responsible for short-term-price-changes. They are not responsible for guys who buy high, feeling used without any rational reason (what have you done for Factom?) and complaining constantly. You want them to work because you want profit, while you do.... what exactly?
I ve seen so many good projects over the years with so many Bitcointalk threads populated with groupies and cheerleaders like you which have crashed and burned. NOT saying this is going to happen to Factom, I m sure this team s smart and capable to deliver. However, this does not mean I m not going to explore and expose everything I do not like about this project.
You can say whatever you want to. But if you spread desinfo I will say what I have to say. In your eyes that may be cheerleading or whatever. I don't care because at least I give infos.
And just by the way: While you call all and everything a "fact", I very often say "in my opinion" or "out of my view" or "I believe" or "I think" to make clear what is objective information and what is just my personal opinion.