Oh, wow! That's much more/better than expected - at least I did not expect such a growth that quickly/fast. It's not even a month back (March 24) that they've announced 500k entries -->
100% growth in less than 30 days and the bigger Customers have just started.
Kind of funny is that there is not much (or even nothing?) to find about a partnership with Enron.
Intrinio has Factom on their site:
https://home.intrinio.com/thirdparty/ ...but it's also not that I remember Factom would have announced it. Maybe it's some of the stuff they can't talk about.
But I remember this:
"(...) but I think the protocol is going to surprise people (...) We are delivering and that delivery is going to shock people" (Paul Snow:
The whole interview is one of the best with Paul Snow by the way.
And just yesterday:
That being said, I am predicting many Entry Credits will be used.
Conclusion: More than just promises. They deliver!
Funny conclusion: The "surprise-factor" shouldn't be underestimated. They obviously have more good news than they (can?) talk about.
Yep and compared from start of the year in Jan at 100k entries FCT entries are up 10x in 4 months, into Q4 2016 or early 2017 I would expect another 10x up to 10 million entries.
I believe it will be more. Because if we think about possibilities and probabilities, it's very likely that those who already use the system won't use it less but more in future. And the "chinese market" for example (and whatever that exactly is) started with about 2k Entries 10 days ago and is now at nearly 8k per day. It's also very likely that there is still a lot of customer-testing going on and the real mountains of data will flow after Milestone 3.
Plus, even more important: We can expect that in the next months there will be more new partnerships/customers/user than in the last months. Factom doesn't have even really started yet. Factom is also about the network-effect. I believe that's highly underestimated and my prediction is: The network effect will play a huge role in more than just one aspect. The more Factom is used the more it will be known and the more attention it will get and the more convincing it will be to potential customers. And the more it's used the more sense it will make for others to use - not just to record data but also to connect data.
And what I think is really interesting because I always focus on that: If we think about how the team communicates, I think we all agree that they are known
not-to-hype. I mean, there is even some complaining about it that they don't care about making marketing for Factoids. And it's obvious that they don't even speak about some of the customers, maybe because they can't speak about it. That, in combination with these little hints ("we will surprise people") and predictions ("I am predicting many Entry Credits will be used").... does not say what exactly they know but I would make any bet that they wouldn't ever say such things without knowing "something". I mean, there are even signs that Honduras is back on the table.
So, I believe the situation is even better than expected and my expectations were already high since Factom got my attention and I began to understand it.