FedoraCoin (TIPS)
CoinExchange Swap
from calendar: https://tothemoon.live/?IsPast=False&Page=2&Month=0&Year=0&SortBy=0
And the coinexchange TIPS wallet is in maintenance since >10days (though they promised to open it for deposit in time for the swap, time gets tight).
Also we still have no clear answer as to what will happen to the swapped TIPS which seems to accumulate in one or more adresses.
Hi PD,
Yes we've been on the case of Coinexchange as to deposits. They have promised to action it asap. They closed them initially when the Tips network was behaving poorly and the explorer was offline, due to concerns that they expressed.
As to the swapped tips we have been clear on that since the beginning - we will be destroying them. That has always been the case and remains so.