Pangborn Development Site III ongoing, sneak peak at work under way building out the next facilities at Pangborn
The latest progress as Pangborn goes full-steam ahead…
MARCH 21STGiga-Watt’s deployment team has been very busy supplying another pod with miners readying them for deployment at Pangborn.
Our team is moving right behind our contractors and getting each pod equipped with racks, PDU’s, and network gear to prepare for the numerous incoming miners. Two pods have been loaded completely with gear and a third has just finished with PDU’s and will be ready for miners and PSU’s this week.
Our construction crews and electricians have been working tirelessly to stay ahead of our deployment teams. They have got five future pods excavated, footings laid, and are ready for the pad’s to be poured. We have four more pods being framed that will soon be ready for fans, racks and gear.
Poles and holes are being dug to pave the way for the future of the site. We are moving the poles into position today and on Tuesday next week the PUD will bring their crane in to put the poles in place.
As always, we have been working closely with all partners, contractors and the Douglas County PUD to make sure all safety measures, construction and development continue to go as planned.
On Tuesday Douglas County PUD will be onsite with Giga-Watt. We are continuing to push ahead and have been installing racks, switches, PDU’s, and lastly,miners.
We began installation of 4 more pods this week and hard hats will continue to be a common theme as all of the contractors and the PUD develop the site for final deployment.