For those with mining experience, I have a few questions if anyone could help:
Giga Watt is currently selling an Antminer D3 Dash Miner with PSU included for $1,800 on their website. The power consumption is 1275W.
First question, how many tokens do I need for 1,275W? If I remember correctly, I'd need just over 1,400 tokens, but I'm not positive on that so just curious.
Second, I see the same Antminer D3 Dash Miners on Amazon, brand new, for less than $500. Here's one example: there any difference between the two? I don't think the Amazon one comes with a PSU, but those don't seem to be more than $200.
Here's one with a PSU for $644: I already have more than 1,400 tokens, could I in theory buy the Amazon Antminer, a PSU, and ship it to Gigawatt? It would seem to be a LOT cheaper than the current $1,800 price. I'm not criticizing Giga Watt because I'm probably wrong, and I realize selling miners is probably their main long-term business strategy, just curious why there's such a steep price difference.