@Hippie_Tech - Get out of my thread. Hashcoin is better than Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Feathercoin, and a ton of other coins. X11 > than Scrypt. Animated Logo > Lame unprofessional logo. DarkGravityWave > KGW.
I could keep going, but I am not going to feed the trolls with anything else, egocentric assholes plague this forum, shitcoins.info looks like a five year old made the site and half of your links aren't even working...Good job at failing at making a fail site.
Anyways, Hashcoin is going strong as usual, haters usually hate, because they couldn't accomplish it.
We will be getting some more exposure soon, a giveaway will be hosted at bitbillions, we will also receive a blog post. Don't forget to follow us on Twitter as well!
http://www.twitter.com/HashcoinHASH (Latest updates will always be posted).