All you need to know to make it work on windows.
To enable POS forging:
Use this in
NOTE: allowing unlimited Bot hosts and userhosts has risks if you're not sure your heat server isn't accessible to outside network. Other settings are safer and may work as wellcurl
http://localhost:7733/api/v1/mining/start/THIS%20IS%20THE%20PASSPHRASEIf you want to further limit access to a public server specify your apikey in, set heat.apiKeyDisabled=false and add the apiKey as an (encoded) parameter to the URL
POP is combined into POS during the first blockchain slice period.
Too much noise in here ...
Can someone point me to windows forging instructions, please?
I'll try. I'm a Linux guy and this is untested, so no promises. This relies on HEAT server, so is probably unnecessarily complex. (Hope they churn out a fancy light client like they did with FIMK -- is a heck of a lot easier for newbies).
The heatledger server should run on Windows (read the quick notes and download from here): it.
See the readme here (notes for java installation): a new file in the conf/ folder (next to Only one line for now:
Run the heat server:
Okay, so now you should have a running HEAT server on your windows computer. Now use the HTTP API to start forging.
Open the following URL in a
private browser window (replace THIS%20IS%20THE%20PASSPHRASE with your account passphrase. Spaces turn into %20):
http://localhost:7733/api/v1/mining/start/THIS%20IS%20THE%20PASSPHRASEIf you get a JSON response that includes "deadline" and "hitTime", it probably worked! If you get a JSON response that says "error", it probably didn't.
If you don't use a private browser, this URL (which includes your passphrase) will be saved in history, so be careful.
Anybody: Feel free to take this, test it, clean it up, and make more accessible.
We're working to deploy downloadable client + server package with graphical forging UI on github before the forging rewards start paying on block 4320.
Meanwhile another, still technical way to set up forging:
Get JDK SE from accept license agreement radiobutton first)
Download and unzip your own apikey, can be whatever string of characters, in conf/
Start heatledger (Linux) or heatledger.bat (Windows)
run from command line the following after first making applicable changes to it:
curl -k -s http://localhost:7733/api/v1/mining/start/this%20is%20your%20secret%20phrase\?
If you don't have curl,
download from the curl siteShort tutorial for noobs:
First get and install that java JDK SE package. Than download zip file with heat server and unzip it. Using heatledger.bat in bin folder you run heat server (make desktop shortcut, it's handy), in folder conf you get configuration files, here you will create new txt file called There you put what was written above (esencially heat.apiKeyDisabled=true). This should be enough to successfully run server.
Don't touch that file and dont make any apikey. You can ignore it since you added this: heat.apiKeyDisabled=true. It would only make thing complicated... I even now don't know what exactly where to change there. LOL (Writting change apikey in file full of instructions mixed with txt not stating where exactly is not enough for most of nontech ppl to understand and to not f*ck things up in the process).
Now use:
http://localhost:7733/api/v1/mining/start/this%20is%20your%20secret%20phrase in private/in cognito browser (don't give your password to the world, it's you txt key that anyone could copy and use...).
To use curl commands throu system command line you need to install curl.
I personally for 64bit pc found it here (there's also link above)
Than you make folder curl where all programs are installed like C:/Program files/curl. There into that curl folder you copy paste that curl.exe file.
Now to make this application visible by windows you go: Right click on My computer -> Details -> Extended System Settings -> Environment Variables -> Choose Path option on the list in System Variables section -> Edit -> In variable value you add at the end of the line this -> ;C/Program Files/curl <- OK and it's done and working now.
Now you can run in command line (preferably in adminstrator mode) curl commands (skipping that /?apikey part).
You might need to run heat bat file more than once (with curl you will have one command line window for server running and second to paste there curl commands). You might need to activate your heat address sending heat (even 1 heat, to make it visible by network, just make another password/address and send 1-2 Heats between).
To make POP work:
In our version skipping that /?apikey part all the way everywhere and keeping that apikey disabled line in txt file instead of heat.apiKey=your_api_key.
Good luck.
If i missed something i please for filling the gaps.
For the record. With small heat holdings chances to forge some heat would be very very small. I would wait for working forgepool to participate in shared forging and forget all problems while setting stuff yourself and keeping it running without breaks and forks. But still running your own node and helping netwrok is worth this troubles. You will also learn something usefull in the process than why not.
Do i need that
in my new conf file? It works without it...