HEAT ICO CLAIM HAS STARTED !!This release contains various smaller bug fixes, a new local storage solution, new and unread message notifications and a temporary ICO claim section for claiming your genesis HEAT.
User support/feedback functionality has also been added to the client, use it whenever you need help during the ICO claim process.
To claim your HEAT you could use both the web version and the desktop versions, it is however more secure to use the desktop version since you can verify it's origin in ways that are simply not possible with any website.
The ICO claim process will ask you to provide the address(es) from which you've sent your investment and will provide you with a confirmation address and a small payment to your ICO address (to cover the transaction costs).
You are then to send a payment from your ICO address to the confirmation address to confirm your ownership of that address. Confirmation is near instant and will be visible in the claim section.
Your HEAT-TEST account (the one you use in this client) will be your final *real* genesis account in the HEAT genesis block, so make sure you use a unique secret phrase. You can claim multiple ICO addresses and assign them all to your one single HEAT account.
The claim process helps you to properly backup your HEAT secret phrase (aka your super secret/super important master key).
Through the client UI you have the option to:
- Print your secret phrase directly from the app to your printer
- Save/download your secret phrase to a file on your computer
- Copy the secret phrase to your clipboard
- View the secret phrase and make a picture/hand written note/etc..
Release 0.1.1 can be found here:
https://github.com/Heat-Ledger-Ltd/heat-ui/releases/tag/v0.1.0Web version can be found here:
Hash: SHA1
Release 0.1.1 | 2016-10-18 | https://heatledger.com
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This release contains various smaller bug fixes, a new local storage solution,
new and unread message notifications and a temporary ICO claim section for
claiming your genesis HEAT.
User support/feedback functionality has also been added to the client, use it
whenever you need help during the ICO claim process.
To claim your HEAT you could use both the web version and the desktop versions,
it is however more secure to use the desktop version since you can verifify
it's origin in ways that are simply not possible with any website.
The ICO claim process will ask you to provide the address(es) from which you've
sent your investment and will provide you with a confirmation address and a
small payment to your ICO address (to cover the transaction costs).
You are then to send a payment from your ICO address to the confirmation address
to confirm your ownership of that address. Confirmation is near instant and will
be visible in the claim section.
Your HEAT-TEST account (the one you use in this client) will be your final *real*
genesis account in the HEAT genesis block, so make sure you use a unique
secret phrase. You can claim multiple ICO addresses and assign them all to your
one single HEAT account.
The claim process helps you to properly backup your HEAT secret phrase (aka your
super secret/super important master key). Through the client UI you have the
option to:
1. Print your secret phrase directly from the app to your printer
2. Save/download your secret phrase to a file on your computer
3. Copy the secret phrase to your clipboard
4. View the secret phrase and make a picture/hand written note/etc..
- ---------------------------------- Downloads ----------------------------------
SHA256 69f10edd1558a188fa0e90968c24dea54fad4d3237d2b1028a92dd3d968b9ed4
MD5 817dd249e4d427547f74bf91c54e841e
SHA256 8d3be49a1778aeefe0ee8a12d29e7c694fbb5c38f5e5875ae29a5d056ba8183d
MD5 a1ec7c2c205641853741189284de9596
SHA256 4bf28a8f533f33e55c4664d71f01ac433d0d85535374bf63511359054a6dfe29
MD5 d1602dfbb0d420113b3eaacc7a9e584a
Version: GnuPG v1