"Orange Courage"- Leo the lion coincides with the month of August (The same month as this Coldkey). The lion also appears in the Wizard of Oz and receives a liquid from the wizard, which gives him courage. For those unaware, The Wizard of Oz is argued to be an allegory. The Cowardly Lion is portrayed to be William Jennings Bryan, who roared like a lion to expose the bankers schemes, but lacked courage to see it through. I'd like to imagine that an updated film would show that liquid courage to be orange in color, representing that Bitcoin was the courage William Jennings Bryan needed to see it through.
Here is a quote from his famous "Cross of Gold" speech....
“I come to speak to you in defense of a cause as holy as the cause of liberty—the cause
of humanity…What we need is an Andrew Jackson to stand as Jackson stood, against
the encroachments of aggregated wealth……..We say in our platform that we believe that the
right to coin money and issue money is a function of government…….Those who are opposed to
this proposition tell us that the issue of paper money is a function of the bank and that
the government ought to go out of the banking business. I stand with Jefferson rather
than with them, and tell them, as he did, that the issue of money is a function of the
government and that the banks should go out of the governing business……The
sympathies of the Democratic Party, as described by the platform, are on the side of the struggling
masses, who have ever been the foundation of the Democratic Party…..If they dare to come out in the
open field and defend the gold standard as a good thing, we shall fight them to the uttermost, having
behind us the producing masses of the nation and the world. Having behind us the commercial
interests and the laboring interests and all the toiling masses, we shall answer their demands
for a gold standard by saying to them, you shall not press down upon the brow of
labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!”
"Orangeback"- A fitting name for the back of a funded bitcoin card, wouldnt you say?!