
Topic: [ANN] HYDNORA-ProgPOW CASHBACK [Ethash][PoW/MN/P] NOT ASIC, ICO,PREMINE - page 5. (Read 6615 times)

Activity: 114
Merit: 10
Friends! We are pleased to present an updated version of @HoraWalletRobot.
New commands are available in the bot:
1. Address book:
   a) You can save the address of the payee.
   b) Simplified entry when sending coins to saved addresses.
2. [Send All] button when sending coins.
3. The ability to import private keys created in the Web version of the wallet and in Geth (this way you can change the addresses in the bot, IMPORTANT bot can work with only one address at a time).
4. Notifications about incoming payments are also available.
To start working with the bot, those who registered earlier will need to enter the / start command and create a password to send coins. (You must remember your password and keep it in a safe place.because Passwords are not stored on servers, and if you forget your password, access to funds will be lost. This was done to ensure the safety and security of your funds. No one except you has access to the wallet) Old addresses in the new bot will not be available, but you can use them in another @HoraWalletBackupRobot bot, where everything from the old bot is available to you, this bot will work for a while to access these tools in @HoraWalletRobot, you must import the private key from @HoraWalletBackupRobot into the updated bot.

We are constantly working on improving and adding new features.In the near future, various services and functions will be integrated, here are some of them:
1.ETHEREUM wallet will be integrated into the Bot and HORA coins will be exchanged for ETH instantly inside the wallet.
2. Affiliate stores will be added where you can get a discount using HORA.
3. For those miners who will mine to the address of the wallet in the bot, alerts will come if the farm on the pool has stopped working.


Дpyзья! Mы paды пpeдcтaвить вaм oбнoвлeннyю вepcию @HoraWalletRobot.
B Кoшeлькe бoтe cтaли дocтyпны нoвыe кoмaнды:
1. Aдpecнaя книгa-
   a) Moжнo coxpaнить aдpec пoлyчaтeля плaтeжeй. 
   б) Упpoщeнный ввoд пpи oтпpaвкe мoнeт coxpaнeнныx aдpecoв.
2. Кнoпкa [Oтпpaвить Bce] пpи oтпpaвки мoнeт.
3. Boзмoжнocть импopтиpoвaть пpивaтныe ключи coздaнныe в Beб вepcии кoшeлькa и в Geth (тaким oбpaзoм мoжнo мeнять aдpeca в бoтe, BAЖHO бoт мoжeт paбoтaть тoлькo c oдним aдpecoм oднoвpeмeннo).
4. Taк жe дocтyпны yвeдoмлeния o вxoдящиx плaтeжax.
Для нaчaлa paбoты c бoтoм тeм ктo peгиcтpиpoвaлcя paнee нyжнo бyдeт ввecти кoмaндy /start и coздaть пapoль для oтпpaвки мoнeт (Bы дoлжны зaпoмнить пapoль и coxpaнить eгo в бeзлoпacтнoм мecтe, т.к. пapoли нe xpaнятcя нa cepвepax, и ecли вы зaбyдeтe пapoль, дocтyп к cpeдcтвaм бyдeт пoтepян. Этo былo cдeлaнo c цeлью бeзoпacтнocти и coxpaннocти Baшиx cpeдcтв. Hиктo кpoмe Bac нe имeeт дocтyпa к кoшeлькy), Cтapыe aдpeca в нoвoм бoтe бyдyт нe дocтyпны, нo Bы мoжeтe вocпoльзoвaтьcя ими в дpyгoм бoтe @HoraWalletBackupRobot, гдe вaм дocтyпнo вcё oт cтapoгo бoтa, этoт бoт бyдeт paбoтaть нeкoтopoe вpeмя ,чтoбы пoлyчить дocтyп к этим cpeдcтвaм в @HoraWalletRobot, вы дoлжны импopтиpoвaть пpивaтный ключ из @HoraWalletBackupRobot в oбнoвлённoгo бoтa.

Mы пocтoяннo paбoтaeм нaд yлyчшeниeм и дoбaвлeниeм нoвыx фишeк. B ближaйшee вpeмя бyдyт интeгpиpoвaны paзличныe cepвиcы и фyнкции, вoт нeкoтopыe из ниx:
1. B Бoт бyдeт интeгpиpoвaн ETHEREUM кoшeлёк и бyдeт пpoизвoдитьcя oбмeн мoнeт HORA нa ETH мoмeнтaльнo внyтpи кoшeлькa.
2. Бyдyт дoбaвлeны пapтнepcкиe мaгaзины гдe мoжнo пoлyчить cкидкy c пoмoщью HORA.
3. Для тex мaйнepoв кoтopыe бyдyт мaйнить нa aдpec кoшeлькa в бoтe, бyдyт пpиxoдить oпoвeщeния, ecли фepмa нa пyлe пepecтaлa paбoтaть.

Activity: 83
Merit: 0
and what features in the wallet are still planned? exchange, chat...?

The core of the app is actually an exchange, I just put out the app right to test the wallets part , so yes an exchange is definitely coming (first release could be within a month) , and yes also I have been thinking of incorporating some simple chat functions in there, but that is not the main focus right now! First step is to get the "market" section running, then work on adding other algos/coins (BTC, LTC, ZEC, and ERC Tokens) .... It's a work in progress Smiley))
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
and what features in the wallet are still planned? exchange, chat...?
Activity: 83
Merit: 0

Thank you !!! ... but actually it's BCH(ABC) and not BTC .... not yet at least Smiley
copper member
Activity: 141
Merit: 0
Blockchain Cashback platform HYDNORA COIN
pool statistic Hydnora coin

copper member
Activity: 141
Merit: 0
Blockchain Cashback platform HYDNORA COIN
Hi all

I have been working on a project that mixes both a web-wallet and a DEX and HORA is one of the currently 22 coins on it.

Here is link to the project's ANN: SphinxChain

The project is in it's early testing phase, but your input it very highly appreciated!


yes!we tested now!  BTC, ETH , HORA and other ethereum coins good working!!!
copper member
Activity: 141
Merit: 0
Blockchain Cashback platform HYDNORA COIN
Activity: 134
Merit: 0
who ever heard of exchange ? what exchange is and why it has a volume of more than 140 000 000$
Activity: 45
Merit: 0
just start MASTERNODE (limited) and POS mining on your mobile phone.

Is it necessary to have a mobile phone? Can windows be?
Activity: 83
Merit: 0
Hi all

I have been working on a project that mixes both a web-wallet and a DEX and HORA is one of the currently 22 coins on it.

Here is link to the project's ANN: SphinxChain

The project is in it's early testing phase, but your input it very highly appreciated!

jr. member
Activity: 154
Merit: 1
I envy those who mine this Hydnoracoin now. I think that miners earn good money on this coin. This project definitely has prospects.
Mining at the beginning of the project is always profitable, but only if the project will be successful in the future.

And here you can’t guess whether it will be so popular in the future as at the very beginning, but it’s worth a try
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
cryptoBridge will in august?? or may be waiting 2-3 day now?
After 3 days, August will come, so your question is: "after 2-3 days or in August it is incorrect" )))
I am also waiting for the start of trading in the CryptoBridge. I think that everything will happen in the next few days.
Activity: 134
Merit: 0
cryptoBridge will in august?? or may be waiting 2-3 day now?
jr. member
Activity: 140
Merit: 2
I envy those who mine this Hydnoracoin now. I think that miners earn good money on this coin. This project definitely has prospects.
Mining at the beginning of the project is always profitable, but only if the project will be successful in the future.
jr. member
Activity: 224
Merit: 1
I use Nicehash for mining, and for this Hydnoracoin it is not yet possible (((
You're right! Mine Hydnoracoin using nicehash will not work. Hydnoracoin has its own ProgPOW algorithm and you can get coins only mining on video cards.
I wonder how many people began to mine this token on their video cards, as there are few such farms now that have
jr. member
Activity: 393
Merit: 1
Coinsbit exchange
I use Nicehash for mining, and for this Hydnoracoin it is not yet possible (((
You're right! Mine Hydnoracoin using nicehash will not work. Hydnoracoin has its own ProgPOW algorithm and you can get coins only mining on video cards.
Activity: 134
Merit: 0
are  you have airdrop for Hydnora COIN???
jr. member
Activity: 224
Merit: 2
If you do not want to engage in mining, you can try to earn a coin by trading on the exchange. Volatility allows me to earn Hydnoracoin in my wallet.
Activity: 51
Merit: 0
I envy those who mine this Hydnoracoin now. I think that miners earn good money on this coin. This project definitely has prospects.
If you like this project so much, what's stopping you from starting to mine this Hydnoracoin?
jr. member
Activity: 140
Merit: 1
good growth of the coin before entering the new exchange
So it should have happened, the coin is in demand today, this factor is really happy.
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