Time has passed! We finish our fantastic FLOGmall giveaway!So, guys, it was really a legendary football giveaway from FLOGmall: thousands of applications, hundreds of participants and five winners for total 500.000! On the 15 of July the final of FIFA World Cup 2018 took place which forever changed the opinion of foreigners about Mother Russia and our hospitality. And the best team was France, because exactly this team became an absolute winner for the following 4 years! We congratulate our french friends because they didn’t need to show the white flag :smirk: , and we bow before their high skills and professionalism.
And, of course, our congratulations and 100 000 rubles are for the person who guessed the score! The match outcome was 4:2 in favour of France, and it was 10 people who guessed exactly this score.
With randomizer and sleight of hand, our SMM manager found the winner of this giveaway. And it is - Cyn Ceo! We congratulate you with the prize, tell us how it is like to close the circle after the most lasting football crypto giveaway?
It was the last giveaway from FLOGmall considering series of football matches FIFA World Cup 2018. But don’t worry, we have a good marketing department and you’ll have more giveaways and cool presents for bravery!
Don’t be afraid to participate, because it’s a pleasure to win! Follow our updates and of course stay tuned to FLOGmall!