Will you have some kind of monthly payment for using card4you?
Thanks for your question . There will not be any payment for using card4you ( except some low fees for transactions )
How much will be the fee for 100$ transaction for example?
According to the aforementioned report on international remittances using mobile money , the average
fee for country-to-country remittance is 2.7 per cent excluding cashing out of funds for amounts higher
than $200 (amounts below $200 are, on average, more expensive to remit; the smaller the amount, the
more expensive it is to remit). This makes it possible to oer lower fees, even when compared to the mobile money technology (for
example, M-PESA charges a fiat fee of $0.40 for P2P remittances and a withdrawal fee of $0.33 for withdrawals
under $33), especially if there is no need for an instant execution of the transaction. In the event of
increasing the transaction confirmation time to five minutes, the fee is significantly reduced. As can be
seen, the remittance price in a public Blockchain Ethereum is much lower than that of any of the systems
under consideration.