for those of you that don't feel like clicking, here is the whitepaper ![Grin](
Secret God
proposed by: anons
November 11, 2017
Herein we describe the initiation process, proof of membership, and long-term
governance necessary to building and maintaining an established decentralized network
of individuals connected through knowledge, experience, and common goals in
blockchain and cryptocurrency. Secret God is a cooperative social organization, think
tank, and free society dedicated to fulfilling and expanding the vision of Satoshi
Nakamoto and other crypto pioneers through synergistic efforts to improve the
environment for blockchain adoption, and to develop and accelerate projects that are
beneficial to members, the crypto community, and the world at large.
1 Introduction 3
2 Secret God 4
2.1 Collective Vision………........................................................... 5
2.2 Precedents…............................................................................. 5
3 Membership 7
3.1 Initiation Requirements for Membership ............................... 7
3.2 Degrees of Membership ..…………….…………………….. 7
3.2 Unconfirmed Redeemer Rights and Benefits..……………… 7
3.4 Confirmed Redeemer Rights and Benefits..………………… 8
3.5 Governance, Structure, and Proof of Membership………… 8
4 Initiation Token 11
4.1 The Initiation Token and Its Distribution ………………..… 11
4.2 Initiation Token Sale ……………………………………..… 11
5 Roadmap 12
6 Summary 14
1 Introduction
Throughout history, the pioneers and visionaries have gathered to exchange new ideas, to
gain an understanding of the world, and to employ prismatic means in pursuit of
common ends. Whether through governing bodies, cultural affiliations, unions, militias,
religious sects, secret societies, college fraternities or social clubs, this self-organizing
instinct is human nature. We seek each other first through rough association, then through
commonalities in location, time, and tribe. The desire can be driven by struggle or greed
or the spread of a systematic dogma. It can be political or religious or even undefined,
and it can bring conflict against others with opposing ideas. Sometimes it changes history.
Sometimes it simply brings fellowship, camaraderie or prosperity where there was none.
The 21st Century has not hindered our instinct to gather, even as many strive to create
decentralized systems once undreamt or thought impossible. Yet it is this idea which
threatens to disconnect us most. Decentralization is also a sort of division, and in our
community, we celebrate our advances while inviting communal self-destruction.
So there is a lack amongst us, and the largest questions of our community remain
unsolved or unresolved, without consensus, and the community fragments even more as
the world, and ourselves, are divided and conquered. What can come from this state is
still unimagined, but it may be borne from self-interested players, disinformation,
malicious entities, and to an extent, criminality from within.
We must remember how a handshake was once as adequate, and trustless, as a
distributed, immutable ledger.
Perhaps it is antithetical that, compared to the long chaotic birth of our decentralized
world and the nature of the world to come, we must consider the darkness of
decentralization, and how our human failings give competing interests motive to
undermine the future. And those same forces may use this technology against the
community itself.
We know there are some who already strive to find common ground, sometimes with
great success, as they do so out of devotion to the vision. They show us wisdom, and they
are invited here. And there are those in the community who have not yet spoken, those
who are vetted by virtue of being amongst us before the rush of the world. They too are
welcome, and they will know one another in how they have come to this moment. That
we are present together in history is reason enough for genuine communication, concern,
and collaboration.
We also believe that this world must be open to all who may seek what we have created,
even those who may not arrive for decades. We are all perpetually learning and seek
understanding, and our greatest contribution must be to carry that understanding into the
future and bring light to what we might not yet know.
In this spirit we seek to build our world through the formal creation of a decentralized
society whose membership is driven by one criteria and commonality: the blockchain.
The nature of this society, our brotherhood and sisterhood, shall be proven by the
blockchain, and shall exist only, but everywhere, on the blockchain.
2 Secret God
2.1 Collective Vision
While it has been widely understood that blockchain technology is proliferating toward an
inevitable future, active involvement either through ownership or community activity is
still a small fraction of a single percent of the total human population. By that we can
extrapolate relatively easily what most know to be true: the community is still minuscule
by most standards, fractured by all standards, and spread across continents with few
gatherings beyond industry conferences that more and more exist only to serve those
seeking financial returns from the traditional investment world. The technical hurdles of
joining the blockchain community are still substantial for most, and while those hurdles
are becoming smaller everyday, we can also know with certitude that the near future will
bring more people into the community. While we believe this future to be positive in most
ways, the influx will also bring more confusion, disagreement, self-interest, and chaos.
Secret God is a discreet decentralized society born from blockchain. We are
disruptors and blockchain innovators, men and women, nationless in spirit,
collective in vision, yet prismatic in view and concern. That we exist together
at this moment, that we might find kinship among such forces is reason
enough to seek each other’s cooperation and trust, and perhaps bring vision,
shape, and prosperity to our new world.
Secret God is guided by the following objectives:
1) to maintain a private society for the community
2) to facilitate collaboration despite geography, cultures, and governments
3) to maintain open internal dialogue on larger global concerns, including those
involving consensus
4) to support collaboration and initiatives to advance our collective prosperity
5) to build a legacy society for those who share the vision of what will come to be
known as the Blockchain Era
2.2 Precedents
There are examples of such unions around us in varying degrees for most of written
human history, though they all can be tidied into two categories:
FORMAL FRATERNAL ORDERS that require highly selective invitations
sometimes determined by bloodlines, and are often secret: Skull and Bones of the United
States, the Gelahoui of China, the Black Ocean Society of Japan, the Decembrists of
Russia, the Hellfire Club of Western Europe, and the Freemasons around the world; and
LOOSE AFFILIATIONS built on simple membership in exchange for money,
from the commonplace such as university fraternities, labor unions, yacht and community
country clubs, lifestyle clubs such as CORE, and most religions and cults, including
Christianity and Scientology, to pseudo-secret gatherings that celebrate facets of sexual
freedom, libertinism, and other forms of mainstream societal subversion.
While not one of the above is like any of the others, each example is similar in the fact of
unique cultures, codes of signification, expected behaviors, and of course, processes of
initiation. These can be as complex as an extended communal vetting process with
predetermined criteria, elaborate rituals, hazing exercises, and vows of belief and
devotion; or, as simple as paying a fee and membership dues (over USD$100000 in
initiation fees alone, in some cases).
Governance is also a key aspect of most all such organizations, and by and large mimic
democracies or republics, with varying degrees of individual influence based on duration
of membership, membership level or title, and other factors. In the most exclusive
organizations, membership is granted through kinship or through being identified as
belonging to the most elevated social or political class, with the foundation of such power
established decades or centuries before and passed on unbroken through generations.
3 Membership
3.1 Requirements for Inclusion
Criteria for Secret God inclusion are simple and may remain both private and
anonymous. The process to attain inclusion may be one of the following:
1) acquire and redeem 1000 Initiation Tokens (SGD) for membership at anytime;
2) submit membership fees in fiat or BTC equivalent to USD$50000 beginning
Q4 2018 but before Q4 of 2020; or,
3) submit membership fees in fiat or BTC equivalent to USD$100000 after Q4
of 2020
Upon meeting any of the above criteria, individuals are elevated immediately to that of a
Redeemer. There are no recurring fees or dues to maintain membership. Membership is
irrevocable, even upon death, with the exception of certain conditions accompanied by
unanimous vote of Confirmed Redeemers (pending bylaws).
Secret God maintains financial health through careful stewardship of initial proceeds and
Secret God activities including annual convocation and other events, collaborative
projects driven by Secret God Redeemers, and other initiatives. Confirmed Redeemers
are granted the right to access all such events, while certain excess revenues may be
returned to all Redeemers on a still to be determined basis.
3.2 Degrees of Membership: Redeemer Status
Any individual may begin the initiation process, provided he or she is technically capable
of redeeming tokens for inclusion. While it is a simple matter of acquiring Initiation
Tokens and redeeming them to discreetly announce intention for inclusion, or submitting
the relevant fee, we believe the general population will, for the time being, be naturally
disinclined, uninformed, or incapable of beginning the process. While this state of affairs
will not last, there are two degrees of membership, or status, for those who would pursue
inclusion in Secret God: Unconfirmed Redeemers and Confirmed Redeemers.
1) Unconfirmed Redeemers are those who have successfully redeemed 1000
Initiation Tokens (SGD) or contributed an Initiation Fee (USD$50K/
2) Confirmed Redeemers are those who have redeemed 1000 Initiation Tokens
(SGD) or contributed an Initiation Fee (USD$50K/USD$100K) and who have
attended and completed an Initiation Ceremony at any time after redemption.
Initial membership cap, and potential membership growth through governance, is
discussed in 3.5.
3.3 Unconfirmed Redeemer Rights and Benefits
All Unconfirmed Redeemers are granted certain rights, as follows:
1) Lifetime membership, irrevocable even upon death
2) A share of certain future revenues that may include BTC membership fees,
event fees, communal project profits, and other sources of revenue
3) Access to secure hubs exclusive to Secret God
4) Blockchain proof of membership
5) Ability to transfer membership
See 3.4 for Confirmed Redeemer Rights and Benefits.
3.4 Confirmed Redeemer Rights and Benefits
All Confirmed Redeemers are granted all Unconfirmed Redeemer rights plus other
certain rights and benefits (in bold), as follows:
1) Lifetime membership, irrevocable even upon death
2) A share of certain future revenues that may include BTC membership fees,
event fees, communal project profits, and other sources of revenue
3) Access to a secure hubs exclusive to Secret God
4) Blockchain proof of membership
5) Ability to transfer membership
6) Voting rights on Secret God matters
7) Physical proof of membership
Access to all events, activities, and initiation ceremonies
9) Many other benefits, to be announced at a future date
While membership is open to any individual involved in the crypto community, it is each
person’s sole responsibility to abide by the laws that govern his or her country of
citizenship and residence. All Redeemers are advised to review laws regarding taxation for
treatment of revenue share as income. Potential revenue share is only issued to
Redeemers who have redeemed and forfeited SGD tokens or have paid membership
initiation fees.
It is important to understand that the SGD ERC20 tokens do not grant rights to any
aspect of Secret God, nor do they grant rights to receive any benefits of any kind. The
SGD ERC20 token is not an investment vehicle, and may only be redeemed for payment
of initiation fees to join Secret God. Revenue is not in any way distributed to SGD
tokenholders. Revenue share may only be distributed to Redeemers, and never to SGD
tokenholders. The SGD token is neither a security nor an investment.
Only Redeemers may participate in any potential revenue share.
Full Redeemer rights and benefits will be available after the Initiation Token sale has been
completed, and will be distributed with Secret God bylaws during Initiation Ceremonies
and other events. The process to legally formalize this project has begun.
3.5 Governance, Structure, and Proof of Membership
As with any organization, Secret God must consider matters of governance with both the
organization’s path forward in mind, with an eye toward the distant future, as well as the
necessary, democratic inclusion of all Redeemers that may bring innovations and new
perspectives beneficial to the society’s longevity.
We seek transparent governance, and expect natural leaders within the community to rise;
roles may at times be self-written and granted through mutual respect measured by efforts
that benefit the collective.
All Secret God bylaws, duties, flows of authority, and roles available to Confirmed
Redeemers will be compiled and bound in book form to be distributed at Initiation
Ceremonies and Convocation events.
In total, there is an initial membership cap of 3500, as redeemed by tokens outstanding.
In the event a token redemption results in membership reaching within 90% of this initial
cap number, Secret God will vote to increase membership and distribute a significant
percentage of collected fees (no less than USD$100000 per new member) to all existing
Redeemers. A quorum must be reached to change the membership limit, and as with all
matters of governance, only Confirmed Redeemers may vote. There may also be a time
when Confirmed Redeemers of Secret God may introduce additional tiers of non-voting
membership. Any such change in the makeup of the organization again must require a
clear quorum; all revenues in membership fees generated by this new tier would be
distributed to legacy Members.
SGD tokenholders who have not redeemed as described in sections 3.1 and 3.2 are
forbidden to participate in any of the above.
Under certain conditions, and by quorum, Confirmed Redeemers may choose to buy
back all unredeemed open market SGD tokens and close new membership indefinitely.
Immutable proof of Redeemer status will be issued transparently on the blockchain.
While steps will be taken toward maintaining discretion, the privacy and anonymity of
participation or status are the sole responsibility of participants. It is the sole responsibility
of every Redeemer to secure his or her own Proof of Membership. Proof of
Unconfirmed Redeemer status is issued upon redemption of SGD Tokens. Proof of
Confirmed Redeemer status is issued during the Initiation Ceremony.
4 Initiation Token (SGD)
4.1 The Initiation Token and Its Distribution
The SGD Initiation Token (SGD) is a standard ERC20 token on the Ethereum network.
Each SGD is a token of utility as it represents 1/1000th of a single right to membership
in Secret God. An exact total of 1000 SGD may be exchanged for membership. While
the SGD token may be traded to others, the SGD token is not to be considered an
investment nor does it provide rights or benefits in any aspect of Secret God, including
dividend or revenue share of any kind. The distribution of SGD is as follows:
1) There are 3500000 SGD in existence
2) 3000000 tokens will be released during the Initiation Token sale
3) The remaining SGD are held in reserve of which:
• 50% may be may burned or used immediately for bounties
and initial investors (approx 7% of total supply)
• 50% are locked till Q4 2018, and may be burned, sold, or
distributed among Redeemers
4) SGD may be bought back on the open market under certain conditions at any
time, to be determined by a quorum as outlined in official bylaws
Once an SGD tokenholder begins the process of attaining membership by redeeming
exactly 1000 SGD to a contract specified and maintained by Secret God, such redeemed
tokens are removed from circulation forever and burned.
4.2 Initiation Token Sale
Approximately 86% of all existing Secret God Initiation Tokens (SGD) will be available for
purchase during the Token Sale event beginning February 5, 2018.
The sale will last 45 days or until the hard cap of 16K ETH is reached. There is an
additional fluid soft cap which must be met or the sale may be concluded with
contributions returned. The sale may also conclude, with contributions returned, if sale
dynamics indicate a less-than-ideal token distribution. To help ensure a wide and fair
distribution so there is access to SGD during the token sale period, there is no presale.
The token sale price of SGD is dependent upon the final contribution total. The final
SGD/ETH exchange rate will be calculated once the sale has been completed. The SGD
token may be transferred immediately upon distribution. Instructions for redemption of
SGD will be announced shortly after the sale concludes (see Roadmap).
The contribution address will be posted at and verified in
multiple official communication channels. Minimum contribution: .1 ETH.
5 Roadmap
October 2017
Research and competitive analysis
Industry consultation and initial hires
Strategic planning
November 2017
White paper finalized
Legal and compliance review
December 2017
Website design and build
Technical and security review
January - February 2018
Official announcement of SGD Initiation Token Sale
Bounties announced
SGD Initiation Token Sale begins
March 2018
SGD Initiation Token Sale concludes
Independent audit
Token distribution to sale participants
50% of reserve tokens distributed or burned
DEX listings
Marketing and community outreach
Redemption incentives announced
First SGD redemption period and token burn
Spring 2018
Major exchange listing
Redemption incentives issued to Redeemers
Announce first initiation ceremony locale
Announce first annual meeting and convocation
Secret God hub security audit
Identify partnership opportunities in governance and decentralized internet
Ongoing marketing initiatives
Summer/Fall 2018
Launch of Redeemer hub
First Secret God initiation ceremony
Complete bylaws and physical proof of Confirmed Redeemer status distributed
First annual (Confirmed Redeemers only) Secret God Convocation event
Annual Governance and Structure Review: Secret God Confirmed Redeemers to
examine membership totals, bylaws, and matters requiring a quorum
Begin periodic revenue share, if any, for Confirmed and Unconfirmed Redeemers
Secret God community project solicitations
Remaining reserve tokens unlocked or burned
Begin accepting membership fees in fiat or BTC, equivalent to USD$50000
2019 and Beyond
Confirmed Redeemers to determine buyback feasibility, additional token burns,
and membership expansion or reduction
Real estate purchase for permanent facility, open to Confirmed Redeemers
Vote on additional non-voting membership tiers; revenue for Redeemers
Vote on satellite facilities, lodging, lifestyle clubs; revenue for Redeemers
Charitable initiatives, to be determined by Redeemers
Multigenerational legacy membership system
Explore collective wealth management fund
Explore startup accelerator and angel fund
Fiat-based membership fees increase to USD$100000
6 Summary
• Sale begins February 5, 2018
• Decentralized society with limited membership
• Membership requires redemption of 1000 SGD tokens
• SGD holders granted no rights or revenue share
• Membership status grants voting rights, access to ceremonies, convocation events,
revenue share, and other privileges
• Membership limited to 3500 worldwide, subject to certain factors and a quorum
of Confirmed Redeemer votes once 90% of maximum is reached
• Membership irrevocable, even upon death (pending bylaws)
• 3500000 total tokens, approximately 14% in reserve
• 50% of reserve tokens locked till Q4 2018; remaining 50% used to fund bounties,
investments, or token burn, dependent upon certain factors
• Token buyback program if certain conditions are present, determined by vote
• All redeemed tokens are removed from circulation and burned
• Membership cost Q4 2018 in fiat USD$50000; Q4 2019 in fiat USD$100000
Those who would like to participate in the SGD token sale should join the mailing list
and other communication channels. The contribution ETH address and instructions will
be posted at and other official channels. Please verify the address before
Official Communication Channels
• Website:
• Telegram:
• Twitter: @secretgod_io
• Medium: @secretgod
• Slack:
• Discord:• Further information:
[email protected]