Why you are trying so hard to prove that WGR is with no potential!? Why it`s so important to write long posts in this phorum?
Are you annoyed that you sold out your WGR because you can`t wait like most of the amateur crypto traders? Why you think you are so smart to talk so much here?
Who cares why I write whatever I decide to write?
Are you not in favor of decentralization and freedom? Can I not express my viewpoint on this topic if it's against what you or other cheerleaders think?
I have never touched wagerr, and probably will never do.
Unless they show weak lines, where I will smash them as hard as possible and make them bleed, which would cost you and other investors to lose money (which you would know if you read their whitepaper, which you probably haven't done and won't do in the future).However, I don't think they will last long enough for me or anyone else who bets on a regular basis to find any sort of value in their odds.
The simple fact that you say that "Are you annoyed that you sold out your WGR because you can`t wait like most of the amateur crypto traders?" proves my point. You and most "investors" are not even interested in wagerr's purpose, usability or real value. You just buy into an ICO hoping that the price will rise in the future, not even knowing what the company does or claims to do. You must be very smart
Lol you'd have to compete with everyone else for it first, you're assuming no other sharps will be constantly eyeing the lines and holding more wgr. And to even have any significant impact on the holders at all, you'd have to own a large share of wgr tokens...which won't exactly be easy to buy up if/when the product is up and running well enough to have on-chain betting established. Until then you'd be betting h2h/multi-user which the house/masternodes have pretty much 0 risk.
So either it's you that hasn't read the whitepaper well enough, or your logic is flawed...either way it's most likely meaningless boasting from an amateur gambler trying to appear as if he knows it all. If you were a true pro, you certainly wouldn't be underestimating your competition and making posts like this. I mean I kinda wish it was that easy, but sadly it's not or everyone and their brother would be grinding up huge rolls. But that value has to come from somewhere, more often that not it's from those same smugly over-confident guys who will then tend blame it on bad luck or their usual excuses - rigged/cheating/angle-shooting/etc.
You're more than welcome to give it a try though, tbh I hope you have success with your potential betting on wagerr too. But I've seen far too many come and go over the years, so my hopes are not very high.